Chapter Eleven

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The comments from the last couple of parts have been amazing!! Thank you so much for the support! I can't believe we have almost got 500 reads as we've only been doing this for less than a month. Again, thank you! We appreciate it so much xxx

The past 2 weeks had been one of the craziest weeks of Bella and Hermione's lives. Both of them tried avoiding each other since the bathroom incident, and it had been easy for the first few days as the manor was so big, but they still accidentally bumped Into each other 3 or 4 times.

And those times, they would make eye contact and Hermione would make a weird sound at the back of her throat and Bella would open her eyes wide and literally skip off. Neither of them had gotten used to it.

Hermione got tonnes of reading done during the holidays. There weren't much to do around at all. Draco sat in his arm chair next to Hermione and read as well. She has never seen him read so much before. Then they would usually have some small talks, sometimes getting deep, and have dinner. That was their day.

As it was the last day of the holidays, Hermione went up to her room to pack her things up. However she saw it all packed in her bag. The house elves must have done it. They p had even managed to fit all her books in which was usually impossible so she didn't dare open the bag even just to get a book. She headed out of her room to go back down to join Draco when she heard a scream from a room she walked past.

"RODOPHUS? CISSY? PLEASE SOMEONE I NEED YOU" Hermione recognised the voice as Bellatrix's. She sounded like she was in pain and she stood there not knowing what to do. Then she heard footsteps and she calmed down. Narcissa stormed straight past Hermione and entered the room.

"What is-" Narcissa started.

"CISSY I THINK IM IN LABOUR" Bella was still screaming.

"But darling isn't it too early?" Said Narcissa, concerned.

"I know but it's painful, please" Bella was sobbing. Hermione would have never imagined a day when she would see Bellatrix Lestrange cry. And the weird thing was, she awfully sounded like someone she knew.

"Ok, ok." Narcissa said calmly. "I'll get Rodolphus. We need to sort you out"

She sat Bella down on the floor and Narcissa walked out of the room. The she saw Hermione. She panicked. Oh god Mrs Malfoy is going to tell me off for being here.

"Oh Hermione, great. I'm so sorry but would you mind staying with Bella? I need to go and get Rodophus. I need to go and find him." Asked Narcissa. She didn't wait for Hermiones response. "Thanks" she said. She apparated away.

Hermione slowly walked into the room. She didn't want to disobey Narcissa but at the same time she wanted to run away. She was in a room with Bellatrix Lestrange. She took a deep breath and told her self that it was going to be ok.

She sat next to Bella and Bella looked up. Her face was sickeningly white. Then the strangest thing happened. She smiled at Hermione as if she was an old friend.

"I'm so sorry Hemione" said Bella.

Did she just apologise? I've never heard a death eater apologise before. Hermione tried to present that everything was okay.

"It's ok. It's not your fault." Hermione was calming down. Bella put her head against Hermiones shoulder. Hermione tensed but Bella didn't seem to notice. She was still shaking and sobbing. Hermione almost felt kindness towards her. At this moment, Bella looked like a little girl.

They sat like that for about 5 minutes. About every 5 seconds or so Bella would wince with pain. Hermione put her arm around her. She felt extremely uncomfortable but she also felt like she was happy to be able to help.

Narcissa and Rodolphus apparated into the room that it made both Hermione and Bella jump.

"Come on, my love." Rodolphus came over and took Bella, without even looking at Hermione. Then they were gone.

Hermione couldn't believe it. She was in a room with Bellatrix Lestrange as if they were old friends. Head against each other and arms around each other. Not there to kill each other or harm each other. Just to be there for someone. She felt calm and happy, but she also had a quick pang of guilt. How would Harry and Ron act? Or Neville? What would they think of her. She didn't tell them that she was at Draco's. She pretended that she was with her parents although they were both away. She had to tell them. She got up and went to find some parchment and ink.


There they were. A boy and a girl in her arms. Twins. Of course she had no idea about it as she couldn't go to a doctor or anything. Even in the magic world there was no magic to find out anything like that.

The past few ours had been tough. She's been in this position for about 20 hours. It's been a long process. But now that it's over, she was glad. And she was even happier that Narcissa and Rodolphus was there with her.

"Can I have a turn?" Whispered Rodolphus. Bella nodded and handed the babies over to him. They were bother asleep.

"So what are you going to call them?" Asked Narcissa. Bella had not thought about anything of that sort at all. She expected she'd still have a few weeks and she had been extremely busy with the school things and... Things with Hemione. She didn't want to think about it now.

"I've got an idea for the boy, but I don't know if you'll like it..." Said Rodolphus.

"I'm sure we'll love it. Tell me! I have no idea." Giggled Bella.

"Ummmm... Leonardo. Leo for short." Said Rodolphus looking at the babies.

"I love it! Omg I love it!" Whispered Bella. She didn't want to wake them up.

"Yay! Thank you, thank god. I thought you were going to hate it. How about the girl?" Said Rodolphus.

"Well... I have one in mind." Bella paused. This name had been her favourite name ever since she was a little girl. "Cassiopeia."

There was a strange long pause. Suddenly she gets t worried. Oh no Rodolphus doesn't like it. Damn it. But she looked at him. He had tears in his eyes.

"My love, I love it. Leonardo and Cassiopeia Lestrange. Omg I love it!" He almost dropped the babies from excitement.

"Yes, Leo and Cassie." Bella had tears in her eyes as well. Rodolphus bent down to give her a kiss with the babies between them.

"I wish I got to choose a baby's name. Lucius chose Draco's. I had no contribution." Said Narcissa.

"Well Cissy, you can choose their middle names!" Said Bella. Narcissa's face lit up and started blabbering baby names.

After shouting names across the room, there they were.

Cassiopeia Druella Lestrange and Leonardo Rabastan Lestrange.

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