1 | I love you too

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They have been in a relationship for exactly one year today and that's why Bellamy decided to ask his mom and sister to leave for the weekend so he could spend some time alone with his boyfriend, without constantly being interrupted by his mom or little sister.

Murphy and Bellamy were sitting on the couch last night, watching a movie when Murphy suddenly paused the movie and started to kiss his boyfriend. Bellamy didn't mind, of course, but when Murphy his hands moved to the button of Bellamy his pants, he was the one who pulled away from the kiss.

"What are you doing, baby?" Bellamy asked, confused.

"Trying to unbutton your pants while kissing you."

Bellamy's eyes scanned his boyfriend's face to see if he wasn't joking.

"Are you serious?"

The younger boy nodded.

He knew what this meant. Murphy was ready.

"Are you sure you want to do this tonight? I can wait longer if you-"

Murphy kissed Bellamy his lips, "I'm ready."

A smile appears on Murphy his face when he realizes he lost his virginity last night to the person who has been his boyfriend for one year.

Murphy turned on his right side, where his still sleeping boyfriend was and started to trace cirles on his back. After a couple of minutes he traced the whole alphabet and after that he traced I love you, not knowing that Bellamy already woke up.

He kept tracing I love you until Bellamy started to move, pretending to wake up.

Bellamy rolled on his back and before he could open his eyes, he felt Murphy's lips against his own.

"I love you too," Bellamy smiled when Murphy pulled away from the kiss.

He saw Murphy his cheeks redden and immediately pulled him down again for another kiss.

He definitely has the cutest boyfriend ever.

AHDHSJFKFKDLL omg I know I'm so bad at writing fanfics but I'm gonna practice so I hope I'll get better at it eventually.

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