Chapter 1

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Chasing Frankie is the last thing I want to do.

"Stop running!"

He looks over his shoulder with eyes bulging from his skull, and a look of terror written on his face. You would think I want to kill him or something.


Sadly, in this moment, Frankie thinks his benefactor is the person he needs be scared of... looking round again, it dawns on him and awareness hits hard. The truth is clear as we make eye contact. I'm the one he needs to be terrified of when it comes to his impending death.

"Wait until I get my hands on you, Frankie!"

He stumbles, but keeps running, shoving people out of his way and in front of mine. People scream. Car breaks screech as they swerve attempting to avoid the pedestrians getting force into the street. Shouts of protests, shock, and anger come from others as Frankie wildly rams through. Crunching and crashing metal litter the air, too. I slip between a couple and weave round more confuse pedestrians in pursuit. I catch sight of the lanky frame just as he careens left. Reaching, I watch Frankie sprinting down the alleyway.

"Stop running, Frankie!"

"Bite me!"

He tries to leap over a down garbage can, clips it with his toe and crashes hard into the asphalt. Skidding to a stop, I watch him flail as he attempts to get back to his feet.

Fear has him by the throat, making it difficult for him to concentrate and get to his legs. His energy is spent. The lanky guy isn't built to run. I reach down, grabbing him by the collar, hauling him up and dragging him over to a wall. I slam him hard against it. He gasps and winces from the impact. He's trembling in my hands. His breath is a slow wheeze. His eyes are large buggy bulges of fear. They get larger as I smile.

"Hey Frankie."


"Why you run?"


I smirk, "Bad move. I just want to ask about the painting you sold that sweet old woman."

He can only nod now. His hands are scarped. Pulling a crumple tissue from my pocket, I attempt to dab at the cuts.

"Oh Frankie..."

The hairs on my neck stand up. The energy does not change, but something feels wrong as I move away from Frankie looking about, surveying the area. I'm in mortal territory, but the lines shift sometimes. Maybe Frankie's benefactor has a man on him. Frankie shuffles and I whirl round, planting a hand on the wall blocking him from escape. A nervous grin appears.

"Frankie, let's chat about that painting you sold that nice, sweet lady, okay?"

He nods.

"First of all why did you sell it to her? I thought you only sold those items to your – well, to your less human clientele."

He swallows hard as his buggy bulge eyes start darting about crazily. I raise two fingers and draw his attention back to me.

"Earth to Frankie, stay with me."

He nods as his mouth opens, but snaps shut.

Raising my voice a little, I ask again, "Why did you sell it to her?"

He stiffens. His mouth falls open as his eyes begin rolling up into his skull.

"Oh no you don't, Frankie," I say, shaking him, "You aren't doing that."

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