The Final Message [Part 1]

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"Who am I? That's a funny question. To the system I am no one, and the rest will never know."

This has been going on for months, the new Omnic Crisis is at the peak of its catastrophic events as the newly modified and programmed Omnics take over corporations, cities, and even countries. The citizens are not safe at their homes anymore and are forced to leave, or join the fight for peace. 

Besides Overwatch was disbanded many years ago, in front of new threat Winston and ex-Strike-Commander Jack Morrison, known as Soldier76 for now, decided to recall the forces of Overwatch to fight the common threat once more and for all. 
What comes to Talon? We prefer not to join the already big mess, however our own areas are in danger, and so are our agents. Which means that we are forced to take an act. 

"Slacking again, Sombra?" Reaper groaned behind his mask as he forged himself under the door to Sombra's office. "We can't be wasting time. The Omnics have taken over one of our---"
"- bases in Moscow. Yes, I know." Sombra interrupted him turning around in her chair to have an eye contact with Reaper. "Besides that was just one of our bases, Gabe. Just imagine how many Overwatch has already lost." She stated looking at the cloaked man in front of her.
Reaper didn't say a word more, giving a small shrug taking a look on the monitors around. "Have you investigated the current agents of Overwatch?" He asked quietly, as if someone else was around to hear it.
"Why do you care so much of Overwatch, they're not really a threat anyways... And yes. I can mail you the full list if needed." Sombra stated slightly annoyed by Reaper's presence.
He gave a silent glare at Sombra behind his mask before leaving as quiet as he came.
"Tsh... Pendejo." Sombra groaned after him getting back to the work.

As the Talon agents became more busy, so did Overwatch

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As the Talon agents became more busy, so did Overwatch. In need of more loyal heroes to be recalled to duty, they started to reach out on every possible candidate and old member before the corporation was ran down. Including the two trained assassins from Hanamura, the Shimada brothers. Since Genji was already resurrected by Dr. Ziegler some years ago, he was easy to reach out to. Unlike his brother, Genji took the offer right away and promised to help.

"Agent Shimada, Winston is waiting for you at the platform 5. Repeat; Agent Shimada, Winston is waiting you at the platform 5." Athena's voice announced in the area of Watchpoint as the cyborg arrived to answer the recall. He made his way through the hallways quietly looking around and giving a heavy sigh. He thought he'd never have to walk past these platforms ever again, but oh was he wrong. He'd meet with Winston at the platform and be given orders for next week. Nepal has been quite distressed recently, and being an apprentice of an Omnic monk, Zenyatta, he will be attending at the events taking place nearby there; as long as other orders are given. 

"By the way Genji, I have heard that Talon has hired a new agent to their service. I'd recommend you to keep your eyes open." Winston lifted his look from the papers and the project he's working on.
"A new agent?" Genji repeated giving a small amused chuckle. "Bet they will not be a trouble for me. I am a trained assassin, it is very difficult to surprise me anymore." He stated with confidence resting his arm on the handle of his wakizashi. 
"I know, however according to reports, their new agent is a hacker of some sort" Winston added taking a look on the cyborg swordsman. "And you know, that your body is mechanical. The agent might turn your own strength against you."
"Do not worry, my friend-" Genji said turning around. "I will be fine. And I will keep that in mind." He continued as he then made his way out of the area. 

Not taking the new agent as a serious threat, and having coincidence of his skills, Genji didn't bother to think about the possible threats this new agent could bring to him. In his opinion Winston just didn't trust him enough to deal with more than known enemies, but after a break like that, Genji saw it reasonable. However forgetting the warning quickly.

The first attack occurred in Nepal in next few days after recall, leading Genji to start his job a bit before expected

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The first attack occurred in Nepal in next few days after recall, leading Genji to start his job a bit before expected. The attack was not too big, easily controlled by a tiny forces, thought it took down several buildings and other constructions in the area.
Due to the events taking place out of Overwatch territory he was already alert and aware of his surroundings, but little did he know that a massive wave of electromagnetic energy would not only affect the Omnics nearby, but also causing his suit to shut down completely. 

"Nani--!?" Genji was shocked to find himself unable to move in middle of all action, forced on his knees due to the pain and heavy armor on his body. He tried to find the source  of the wave that wiped down the Omnics, but with his eyes he couldn't find any device or person who could've caused such energy. The pain got even worse, the more he tried to get up, the more it hurt, but he knew that there was more Omnics than just these 5 causing trouble in this area. Swearing and exhausted he managed to get himself up finally, only to spot someone walking in the building with some big core. 
Could that be it? Could the core cause such a wave of electromagnetic energy that could take down the Omnics in the radius of it so easily? If so, Winston needs to know about it. There's no use to fight them with guns and blades, if they're taken down so easily, even for the short period of time.

 As Genji's mechanical body started to regain its charge, he decided to go after the figure in the building to search for the core carried inside. Luckily the door was left open, so he could get inside easily, but the building is tall and there's a lot of rooms to search, yet so little time. Swiftly moving through the hallways searching for a long time, confusing the employees inside, he decided that it was more important to go help in another location with the Omnics

That was till he heard distant conversation about the core in the end of the hallway, where the door was left presumably open. As Genji approached the room quietly he noticed a female figure placing the core near some bigger computer and talking to someone in different language. The woman seemed to be busy so Genji decided to follow the situation from afar for a while. Assuming that the woman was an employee of the company he stepped in the room knocking the door, as polite as he was, to get the lady's attention. The woman seemed to not be too happy of Genji's arrival, judging by the murderous look she gave at him drawing out her gun. "Eres tu." She mumbled at him.
Genji didn't understand what she said so he calmly stated "I do not understand you, my apologies."
However the lady didn't listen to him long before shutting down the lights in the room and Genji felt his body failing him again. Giving out a painful cry as he fell on his knees again he watched as the lady took the core with her and dashed out of the room, disappearing to thin air without another word. 

At that point Genji remembered the warning Winston gave him. The new Talon agent, that must be her. And if it is, he knows that she is going to be a bigger threat than he ever imagined. 


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The Final Message [Sombra x Genji]Where stories live. Discover now