This could be a new start

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"Where you are and what are you doing in our forests?"

It wasn't us, it was a strage voice behind us. We were really scared, nobody knew what to answer. 'Our forests' Even that can't explain what to do.

"Sorry, this is not your forests" Emma said with her strong voice, at least I can tell she's okay. I turned away and I saw people with torches, and no more seconds when I realized who they are. "I am Legolas of woodland realm, you shouldn't be here" I knew it. And I hoped girls knew it too. I wanted to sat something but what? We were so hopeless, even though yes, it's cool to see favourite fictional character face-to-face but not like this. "I.. I didn't even knew we are in mirkwood" This time I tried to make them help us. "Search them!" I didn't avoid the elves trying to search if I had some weapons with me, if they only knew the truth... "Sorry, we don't have any weapons..." It was foregone conclusion that Legolas didn't believe us, but I didn't give up. Trying to find something to say I looked at Emma and Kath. They had no any idea what's going on, but I knew that i'm going to save us from these dungeons, I said "I could really explain anything you want to know, but you won't undersand. We arent anyone's enemy, we don't treat anyone bad. We are blameless. All blameless. All we need is your help" Then suddenly they stopped. I heard a voice from behind "She's right." "We should be kind to new people and if we aren't, it will not be good. Just imagine being them." It didn't help Legolas letting us go. He sighed. "Okay, okay.. I will let you tall to my father and if he helps you, then it's good but if he doesn't... It's not my problem then. He turned away. "If you are going with us, then hurry up, we are not waiting anyone!" So we started walking again. It was not dark anymore, looked like sun has been rised, but how? We can't just walk and walk all night.

The king's palace was just like in movie. Tall trees, so much ladders, and people... They were elves, real elves. I couldn't stop staring at them. I have never seen real elves in all my life. On our wat to the palace I just couldn't avoid myself to ask them something. What it's like to be an elf? No. I really really wanted to make some of them like me, I mean like a friend... But why not more? And how awesome was seeing the king. I saw on how Kath and Emma looked at him. Kath was so in love and Emma... Well, let's not talk about her. "What are you gonna say to him?" Emma took an angry grin to me. "We are not going to help you." Kath looked worried. "I'm going to" She smiled. "Emma... Do you understand that you are with us too? If he doesn't help us, I can sat that it's your fault" Emma was still quiet. That little angry bitch. Can't do anything. "I'm not promising anything" She said and I realized that yes, she is going to help us. Hopefully.

"Girls... "He started that converstation, I knew it's going to last long. "I want to help you, Legolas told me what you told him. But I don't know how" I looked at Emma to show her that it's her turn to talk. "Well..." "We only need to know where we could live..." The king took a look on on. "You can stay here" I saw Emma smiling. "But not so easily, if you want to live here you have to do something for that. Everything's not free, you know" I nodded and smiled. I hope he understood that we'd do anything to get a home. 

He took us to dining room. "You are hungry, I think?" He smiled to me, don't know why. "You are so kind!" I heard Kath saying. At least I could tell she's hungry, but what if I really wasn't? "I'm not hungry.." I accindentaly said it out aloud. The king looked at me askily, and my heard skipped a beat more and more... I just was nervous. "You can come with me then" I stared down but nodded. It was a little awkward to be with him, just us two. He made me to carry some letter to one of the guardians, weirdly they had heard about me and someone even tried to talk to me, I mean ask what's going on and how i'm liking to be here. Maybe it's really cool to live in my favourite book. This could be a new start.

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