A Confession Made

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I wake up at the loud chirping of the crickets and the denting of the mattress. My head is pounding like someone hit it with a hammer and the cramp in my stomach gets heavier with every move I make. I slowly open up my eyes to see Peter sitting on the edge of the bed with a worried expression on his face. As soon as he notices I’m awake his gaze softens.

‘I see you’re awake, Wendy. How are you feeling?’

‘Could have been better.’

‘Be honest with me Wendy, were you going to see your little friend again?’ Peter asks a bit irritated.

‘I was just going to take a bath.’

‘You should have asked me Wendy, how were you supposed to find water? You don’t know the island.’

‘You’re right, I should have asked you.’ I say, putting up a guilty look.

I try to get up, but my muscles have become weaker than I thought and I fall back.

‘Wooaah, easy there!’ Peter wraps his arms around my back and lets me sink back into the pillow carefully.

‘It’s too soon for you to get out of bed Wendy. The poison is still running through your veins, so it’s better to rest out a little. Besides, it’s time to go to bed anyways.’

I hadn’t really thought about the time, I feel like I can’t think properly anyways right now.

Peter stands up and lights some candles. ‘Can I get you something? Water? Food?’

Wow, why is he being so nice to me again? Something’s not right.

‘Oh no, I’m fine thank you.’

‘We’ve got some soup left at the camp. Maybe you want some of that?’

‘No, really. I’m fine Peter, thank you.’

I lift up my head and look at him in confusion. ‘Wait? Who made the soup then?’

‘Well, who do you think?’ he smirks proudly.


He puts his hand on his heart and pretends to look very upset.

‘Well don’t act so surprised. I cook better than you think! Never had any complaints about my cooking.’

‘You’ll have to prove me first before I believe you.’

‘Well, proof you’ll get!!’ Peter immediately starts walking towards the ladder.

‘No Peter I’m fine!’ I shout, but he’s already gone to the camp. I shiver and pull up the sheets until they reach my chin and close my eyes.

After a couple of minutes I hear someone entering and clearing his throat.

‘Dinner’s ready, miss.’

When I sit up straight, he hands over the cup to me and stays on the bed, watching me eating my soup. That makes me feel VERY uncomfortable, but I don’t dare to say something about it. You better don’t make him mad I learned yesterday.

When I’m done he takes away the cup and places it on the desk beside his table. He blows out the candles, walks over to the other side of the bed and starts mumbling awkwardly.

‘Is it uuhm, ok if I join you?’

‘Eeerm. Well I can get out if you want? I mean, it’s your bed and-...’

‘No, you stay.’  Peter demands.   

Peter pulls the sheets to get in, letting the warmth escape in a second. As he lays down beside me I can’t help but shiver. I thought he didn’t notice but after a couple of seconds I feel his strong arm wrap around me, scooping me into his chest. At first I flinch because of his sudden action but after some time the warmth of his body and his protective grip relaxes me. It makes me feel...safe. Like he will never let any harm get to me. My god, what are you thinking Wendy?! He practically threatened you yesterday!

‘Goodnight Wendy’ he groans manly into my ear.

‘Eeh, night Peter.’ I mumble and then fall asleep by his slow heartbeat.

That’s when I hear them again. The crying little kids. But this time they’re not screaming for their mother. This time they’re just running around the woods with something chasing them. ‘Waiiit!!!’ I scream and I start running with them, not knowing what exactly we’re trying to get away from. But then I look over my shoulder to see my dear friend again: the boar. But this time he’s not of normal size. In fact he’s HUGE.  It’s rushing through the bushes faster than ever and soon he’s only inches away from me. I can’t do this. I can’t run anymore. I feel so sick and my head is spinning. My muscles are too weak and I collapse to the ground. I let out a deadly shriek before I feel someone grabbing my arm.

‘Wendyyy! Wendyy, wake up!!’

I struggle to get out of the grip but the thing is too strong. I don’t want to die like this, I don’t want to be ripped to pieces by an animal! I hear an arrow shooting through the air, but it misses its target. This is it, it’s over now. I curl myself up and put my elbows over my head, but when I’m ready for the attack I hear the animal running past me. Instead of getting me he takes another target. I tilt up my head to be able to see what’s going on. And to my horror I see the boar going for the archer: Peter. He shoots some more arrows, trying to defend himself, but the boar is too fast and jumps on top of him. ‘NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!’ I scream and start running towards him. Then I hear another voice shouting in my ear.

‘Wendy, please wake up!! You’re having a nightmare!’

My eyes shoot open and I see a worried Peter bending over me, trying to comfort me while I struggle under his grip.

‘Peter?!!!’ I move away as far as possible.

‘Shhh it’s allright Wendy, I’m  here.

I start sobbing quietly.

‘Wendy, please come here.’

I don’t answer him. I don’t want him to see me crying, to see my weakness. When I don’t respond the bed dips and I feel Peter moving closer. I feel him wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my hair. I stiffen and just lay there... quietly.

‘I know your mad about yesterday. I’m sorry Wendy, I shouldn’t have acted that way. You didn’t deserve that.’

My body slowly starts to relax.

‘I think it’s just...I just...I just don't want you to go Wendy, I want you to stay here at the camp, with me.’

‘It was going to eat you!! Alive!!!’

I feel Peter chuckle. ‘What was going to eat me?’

‘The boar!!! Thank god, you’re still alive...’

‘Don’t worry about me Wendy. That boar really got to you, didn’t he?’

I nod and stare into the distance.

‘Well, shall we try to get some sleep again?’ Peter smiles and strikes a hair out of my face.

I smile back and turn to my side.

Before I fall back to sleep I think I hear Peter whisper one last thing.

‘Don’t worry Wendy, I won’t let anything happen to you.’

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