No need to introduce myself

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*** The story continues tonight ^^ ***

I feel the wind rushing through my messy hair as I push myself off the ground. Flying always had this special effect on me. I felt free, free as a bird, as if I was reborn again. After 5 minutes I look back and see the island as a very small dot that slowly disappears into the distance. Everywhere I look, there is only water. A deep, dark blue sea that has creatures in it of all different sizes. To be honest, I´ve never liked the sea that much. I liked it as far as I could feel the ground beneath my feet and I could actually see what was underneath me. If I had to swim in open water, I would freak out completely, because, as you might already know, I am a total control freak. I like the feeling of being in control of my surroundings and the people that are in it.

At least half an hour later I´m starting to get pretty exhausted, but the long journey wasn’t for nothing; I finally found my target, that was crashing through the waves right in front of me. The Jolly Roger didn’t come that far in the last couple of days, they must have stayed at the same spot for a while. The question was why. Why would you stay as a kidnapper, while you have all the opportunity to flee? They must be waiting for something… or someone. Maybe they were waiting for me… maybe this will be a trap. Maybe Hook thinks that this would be a great opportunity to finally capture me and finally enjoy his victory…

I don’t care. I don’t care that this might be a trap and I’m leading myself right into it. I have to do something. I have to save Wendy, it’s been long enough now.  I have to get her back, even if the chance of succeeding is low, I’m prepared to take the risk.

I lower my speed. The ship might be only a mile away from me now. I see three men trying to keep the sails under control because of the pretty strong wind that has come up this afternoon. It´s already sunset, soon it will be dark. I´m wondering where the rest of Hook´s man might be. Probably filling themselves with alcohol and eating like pigs. Hook really needs to learn how to keep them under control.  I see a dim light through a small window below deck. I dive towards it and carefully take a peek through it, so they won´t notice my presence.

Exactly what I thought, these men are so predictable. They´re sitting around a table, shouting and laughing at each other´s bad jokes, while they are bolting their salted beef  as if they haven´t eaten in three days. I quickly scan the room for my favorite, until my eyes focus on something that makes my blood boiling up in my body. One man is placing her roughly on his knee, pinching her arm tightly so she has no chance of escaping... my Wendy.  He runs his filthy hands through her hair and smells it. He mumbles something and the others pat him on the shoulder supportively. I clench my fists and try to keep myself from crashing through that window and beat the hell out of that dick. He´s mumbling something to her and her eyes widen in complete horror. He stand up and throws her over his shoulder. That´s it. This is my limit. I don´t care about being knocked out by Hook´s men, I´m going in.

I fly around the ship and land my feet on the dark wooden floor. I rush through the cabin where the men are feasting and place my hand on the doorknob...I hear a deep voice shouting  what is going on over there and I´m about to storm in, until I feel something hit my head extremely hard, fall to the ground and everything turns black.

I wake up with the disgusting taste of blood in my mouth. I slowly try to open my eyes, but my head is pounding like I´ve been upside down for 2 hours. I'm in a dark room, probably somewhere at the very bottom of the ship. A dark red stream of blood is running from my hairline over my forehead, down my nose and into my mouth. The wound stings, and all the muscles into my body feel very sore. I flinch when someone kicks me against the ribs.

´Get up you scum!!!´

I gather all my strength and push myself up against a barrel.

´Did you really think that you could steal MY fiancé?!!!'

A tall man is standing in front of me. His black hair is combed to the side with pomade and his pale skin is now turning a bright red. He clenches his wrists. I think I've found my target. And I think it underestimates me.

'An introduction isn't needed, I suppose?' I say calmly, which is quite hard when the man whom you've wanted to kill again and again in your dreams, is standing right in front of you. I slowly take a step in his direction. He seems confused by my reaction and starts mumbling something, unknowing what to do exactly.

'Don't play with me, young boy. I know about the games you like to play.'

'Aah, so Hook has already introduced me properly'  I smirk, pretty satisfied.

'What do you want?' he tries to ask casually.

'Oh please, this was all part of your plan. Finally a chance for your dear little friend Hook to capture me. But he was a bit too optimistic... again.' 

I see him reaching for his knife, but before he can even try to point his blade at me, I use some magic and appear again right behind him. I throw him against the mast, pull out my dagger and push it against his throat.

'Hook was right about the games I like to play. But I don't remember you being in it. So you better move your ass back to where you came from and never touch my lady EVER again.'

His eyes spit fire and he was struggling to get away. I pushed my dagger even further into his chest. I was so angry, I was struggling against the urge to kill that bastard for once and for all.

'IS THAT CLEAR?!!!' I spat.

He nodded.

'It better be!'  I groaned and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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