Captain's Orders

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I’m roughly thrown into a boat, with my hands tied together and the scarf still in my mouth so I wouldn’t start screaming. Fancy guy – or Thomas apparently – orders the men to start rowing and takes a seat in the front himself. The boat is crashing through the waves and a thick fog is rising. In minutes Neverland just disappeared into the distance. I try to struggle out of the rope but without my knife I’m defenceless. Why was I so stupid to let it at the camp today? And why is it that it has to be just this moment I’m taken away. When it’s the first time Peter actually trusted me enough to give me some alone time for a couple of minutes. He was right. Neverland is a dangerous place and you can never be sure about your safety. Yes he was a bit possessive, but maybe he was just being overprotective...

I’m ripped out of my thoughts as the boat hits something big. I look up to see an enormous ship rising out of nowhere. The bow is decorated with all sorts of sea creatures, the biggest one being a mermaid. Black sails are fluttering in the wind. The men on deck are staring down to the boat, curious about their ‘catch’.  A ladder is thrown overboard and the first men start to climb. Thomas, however stays in, watching patiently for me to stand up. He offers me his hand to take, but I just ignore his gesture and angrily stare into the distance. 

‘Come on dear, let’s get you on the ship.’

How dare he call me that. He just kidnapped me! Thomas lets out a deep sigh and grabs my arm. I struggle to get out of his grip but he’s way too strong. Then he suddenly takes out a knife and I shrink back into my seat. He’s going to kill me.

‘No, please no!’ I mumble with the piece of cloth still in my mouth. ‘I’m begging you!’

Thomas roughly turns me around and I prepare myself for the pain to come... but it doesn’t come. Thomas cuts through the rope and turns me back so I’m facing him. 

‘There’s no need to be scared, Wendy’ he says and takes the piece of cloth out of my mouth. ‘They won’t hurt you, neither of them. But you have to do as they say.’

I nod and walk over to the ladder.

As soon as I’m on deck I’m taken to a large cabin at the very back of the ship. After a knock on the door I’m brought in. I can’t believe my eyes. This must be the most beautiful room I have ever seen. The wooden walls are decorated by the most extraordinary sea creatures and the room is lit by hundreds of candles. In the centre stays a large dark wooden table and on the very end is a large chair, furnished by red satin. In this chair a man is seated, but you can barely see what he looks like, because the room is even darken than the forest. Suddenly he speaks.

‘Come on further, love. No need to be scared. Step into the light, so I can see your beautiful face.’

First I hesitate, but then I slowly walk into the direction of the voice. The man rises out of his chair. In his one hand he’s holding a glass of alcohol, his other hand  he offers me to shake. I nervously take it.

‘Killian Jones, at your orders, milady.’

How much I don’t like to admit, this man actually doesn’t look that bad. He doesn’t look bad at all. He’s at least 20 centimetres taller than me and he has a quite fit posture. He’s wearing a long black leather jacket with matching boots and at least 10 rings are decorating his fingers. His dark eyes are staring down at me, which makes me even more uncomfortable.

‘Captain Hook I presume?’ I stammer.

‘Oh yes, I most of the time go by that name’ he smirks and staggers a bit. That man is obviously drunk.

‘Wendy, Wendy Darling.’ I quickly bow.

‘Well darling, I must admit it’s true what they say.’ He points out his finger to me.

‘You – are - a - beauty.’

He staggers  over to his desk and pours himself another glass of rum.

‘Fancy a drink, milady?’

‘No thank you’ I disapprovingly answer. I hate alcohol. It makes people do things they really regret afterwards.

‘So... captain, would you please tell me why I’m here?’

He puts back his glass and seats himself down again.

‘Please, grab a seat. Make yourself at home’ he smirks.

‘If you tell me first.’

‘You really are feisty. No wonder Pan likes you.’

‘Just tell me why I’m here... captain.’

‘Well Darling-...’

‘-It’s Wendy.’

‘Well Wendy, if you insist... You sort of are a deal.’

‘You know your Thomas here, your fiancé you ran away from, he would like his wife back.’

‘I’m not his wife, and I didn’t run away.’

‘Well technically, you are. I heard your father already signed the wedding certificate.

I feel my jaw dropping slowly.

‘Oops, seems like I just spoiled the surprise. Well anyways, my love, I suggest you make yourself at home a bit. It’s a long journey back to England.

My head gets dizzy again.
‘What do you mean, back to England?!’

‘You’re going home, dearie.’

‘No, no please captain. You don’t understand. I don’t want to go home. ..’

‘What’s the fuss? We’re only here to save you’ he smirks again.

‘No please, I’m begging you! I don’t want to marry. I’m not ready captain.’


The man with the scarf who previously dragged me in now grabs my arm to take me out again.

‘Then what’s the deal about, captain?!’

‘Oh nothing to worry about. Thomas is getting you back and I will get Pan.’

Peter?!! Does that mean... is he...going to kill him?!!!’

‘Pretty deal, don’t you think?’

‘Captain?’ Mr. Gibbs mumbles.

‘Yes Gibbs, take her away and make sure she doesn’t escape.’


‘We don’t always have a choice, dearie.’

Before I’m literally carried away, the last thing I see is him just sitting there arrogantly, with a satisfied smirk on his face. I’m brought to the very bottom of the ship and thrown into what almost looks like an animal cage.

‘Please Mr. Gibbs, please don’t make me do this!’ He seems like the nicest one out of the men on this bloody ship. But his answer is exactly what I expected.

‘Sorry milady, captain’s orders.’

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