Chapter 1

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My name is Elizabeth Swift, or as most people call me, Liza. I am a 16 year old high school student. I have the perfect life. The greatest friend in the world. An amazing family. A nice school. Everything a girl could want. I have long light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and I am average weight. I have a sister named Violet Swift, and she is 12 years old. She has the same bright blue eyes, but has short blonde hair. Our parents have my light brown hair and blue eyes. We have no idea where Violet's blonde hair comes from. Oh, well. On to my story.

It all started on that fateful day. We were on our way to school. I drive Violet to school every day since I got my driver's license. We got into my 69' chevy and off we went. We live way off in the country in a large house. It looks like a cabin, but much bigger. Violet made us listen to 92.3, since it was her day to choose the station. When we got to school we saw the same old sign we see everyday that says, "Welcome to Johnson High School!" My school is a bit strange so they had the 7-12th graders in the high school and the k-6 considered elementary. 

We walked up to the 2 double sliding doors, and walked in. We've gone to this school since we were in pre-k, so we know basically all there is to know about this school. Once we were in we went to the office and I  did my normal, cheer people up routine. I walked out of the small office and went to my locker, number "74". I got my same old backpack, pencils, and such stuff. After I got my stuff, I went to my classroom. The teacher was Mr. Olsen, a language arts teacher. After we learned the basic stuff, we went to math, then reading, then science. Soon enough school was over. My school is in the middle of town, and there is a highway across from our school. Violet and I walked over to my vehicle, which was parked across the street, Violet walked over and got in the  vehicle.

I was about to walk to the chevy, but I remembered I forgot something in my locker. I yelled, "I forgot something! Just wait one minute!" Violet nodded her head and went on her phone. I went back to the school and got my backpack and homework. I ran back out and went across the street, as usual. I got in my vehicle and off we went. When we got home, I kissed my mom on the cheek, and I went upstairs to my room to do homework. Ring, Ring! Ring, Ring!  My phone ringed, and I checked it. It was Emily. My best friend. I answered, but I was to late. She hanged up. 

Then I got her text, there was a party tonight at Adam's house. Adam was just the most popular in school. So I told her, "YES!!!" I asked her, 

"what should I wear?" 

Emily responded with, "Something cute." 


So I rummaged through my closet, and found some skinny jeans with holes in them, and a Victoria's Secret  shirt that was blue, with some sparkles. I put on my white low top converses, and went down stairs. My mom asked me, "Where are you going?" 

"Emily invited me to a party."

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