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I was just walking to my car. Nothing but an average night. But as I crossed the highway, I turned around. Two bright lights blurred my vision. The last thing I remembered was.... waking up. 

Ughhhhhh. My head hurt so bad. I woke up to see... nothing. Absolutely, nothing. Then all of the sudden, there was light. A blinding light soared through the air. What's happening? What's going on? Then, ocean soared out from below me. Mighty tides crashed angrily through the sea. Thats when I realized, I was.... floating. But it felt so, normal. 

I looked up and then, it turned night. A beautiful sky full of stars and constellations appeared above me. Slowly popping in the sky. I looked back down at the sea, and slowly emerging from the sea was land. I realized what was going on. It was the beginning. The very beginning. I didn't freak out. I just felt so calm and relaxed floating above. 

I stared at the land and watched as a creature was born. A dinosaur. This all felt so time lapsed. As if every single second was a hundred years. They were big dinosaurs, and tiny ones. Then all of the sudden, a meteorite came crashing down. Then it went in slow motion. I watched in amazement as the meteorite wiped out everything. It was like a movie. The dark red and black ball smashed into earth violently, and wiped everything. It was huge. But somehow, I didn't move or get pushed back. Soon it was all over. Then it went back to time lapse. I watched as the dinosaurs quickly decayed. Then,as if in an instant, it went in slow motion. And a beautiful garden was slowly emerging. And as soon as it was done, a large, no, enormous tree emerged from the flowers. I knew what it was. The tree of life. I knew what was going on, yet somehow, I hadn't a clue.

As soon as the tree was created it went into fast-motion. A man started to appear from all the beautiful things in the garden. He was... perfect. Adam. Animals started to pop up every where. Giraffes, elephants, birds, beautiful birds. All sorts of animals. Cats and dogs. Fish appeared in the sea. Then, a beautiful girl appeared. She was perfect too. Eve. Then in an instant, every thing turned black. A serpent appeared clear as day in the darkness. He looked evil in every way. Then it flashed to the beautiful girl eating a fruit. I screamed no, but no one heard... not even me. Next, the perfect boy came and ate. My vision flashed and I saw them leaving the perfect garden. Into a desert. Evil arose and then it flashed again. Only this time. I woke up.

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