part xi

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Me: "ok Samantha you know what when you had all the attention I was left in your shadow. I was never once mentioned to other people, why? Because you were ashamed to have me as a sister? Well guess what I'm fucking done with you and this. I went to America hoping i could get this feeling out of me but the more i thought about the more it hit me. You give no shits about me. You think you make me happy but you really don't. I don't need you to fight my battles anymore. Those times you thought you were helping me you weren't. You were making me look like a little bitch. You made me look like I can't do anything for myself because I can't talk. I was so fucking glad when you weren't there for me my high school life. I got into many fights I put all if them in the hospital. I was craving for attention because I didn't get any. My sister I thought I loved was never there for me. Oh but when it came to singing and modeling you showed me up in all of it. You know what just stay out if my life forever. Don't try to talk to me because I'm done with you and your bullshit!" She tried to slapping me but I grabbed her wrist and twisted it she fell to the floor in pain. "I wansnt lying." I walked away from her and went to our dorm.

10 hours later

Ariel: "Alyssa are you going to come out?"

Me: "NO!"

Christy: "come on alyssa. We need to talk about the other stuff."


they stayed quiet and I looked at my phone and saw that Samantha decided to make our problem viral.

News reporter: Samantha sister finally had enough of her. She fought back today at the hospital. Samantha says alyssa, her sister, was jealous of how much attention she gets. While Alyssa's members say she's being the cocky one. They said alyssa never liked to mention her sister when it came to the past but when it came to now she was all talk about her. Why wouldn't anybody be jealous about having a sister way more popular than you or was she just tired on how she bragged about it every day?

I threw my phone across the room and ran out of the room and out the dorm.

Sehuns p.o.v

I was walking around when I saw Alyssa run out her dorm. She looked even more pissed than before. She looked at me and her face changed from a pissed one to a... I have no idea it's a face I just now saw from her. She walked to me and looked me up and down.

Me: "Alyssa?"

Alyssa: "so sehun what are you doing later today?"

Me: "nothing why?"

Alyssa: "just wondering. Bye now."

She walked away. I kinda followed her and saw her go into her studio. She sat down and just sighed. Then threw all her stuff on the floor. I walked in and listened to Alyssa quietly sob. I hugged her and tries to calm her down.

Me: "it's ok Alyssa. Just calm down"

Alyssa: "this is bullshit! Why does she have to start this shit now?!"

Me: "trust me everyone wants to know. But you can't let this get to you so what if she's being dramatic? You continue to be you. Continue to be better."

She nodded and continued to cry. After a while she calmed down and I took her back to her dorm. She fell asleep and I left.

Once I made it back to my Dorm I saw Samantha sitting on the couch talking with my members.

Samantha: "sehun where were you?"

Me: "with alyssa"

Samantha: "oh."

Me: "she's unhappy about this Samantha."

Samantha: "of course she could never handle the truth. I'm so glad I was able to tell the reporters about what happened. Now that she knows what's really going on maybe she will stop acting like a little b-

Me: "I'm on Alyssa side Samantha!"

Samantha: "what?!"

Me: "you heard me! God don't you hear yourself?! Alyssa can't handle the truth when it's not the truth! Samantha you're the one that can't handle the truth! You make Alyssa feel like shit! Now I know why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore!"

Chanyeol p.o.v

Sehun: "I'm on Alyssa side Samantha!"

Samantha: "what?!"

Sehun: "you heard me! God don't you hear yourself?! Alyssa can't handle the truth when it's not the truth! Samantha you the one that can't handle the truth! You make Alyssa feel like shit! Now I know why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore!"

He stared at Samantha and she looked like she was going to kill him. He got a call from someone and he was smiling

Sehun: "really?! Ok I'll be right there. Well I guess I have to be somewhere bye." He walked out the place and I sighed and looked at the members who looked kinda shocked by what our youngest said but oh well it's true.

Next day Alyssa's p.o.v

I woke up with a major bad headache. I decided to walk out my room and get a drink of water.

Christy: "are you ok?"

Me: "yes, now I am."

Ariel: "I invited sehun to come over later."

Me: "ok."

10 hours later.

Sehun: "Alyssa you pabo I said to get the green one not the red one!"

Me: "sorry I was spacing out."

Sehun: "pabo"

Me: "shut up. Sehun can you get me my phone its behind you."

Sehun: "ok. Oh uh Alyssa you got a text from Samantha"

Me: "agh can't she tell I don't want to talk to her." I looked at my phone. Hey pabo answer me!! You can't be happy without me! Tell Sehun he's an ass for saying what he said yesterday and get your ass to the house I'm not letting you be in the group anymore!-samantha " oh wow thanks for being my sister bitch."

Sehun: "hey let's watch a movie!"

Me: "TITANIC!!!"

Sehun: "ok."

We watched the movie and I fell asleep in his arms. Today was good for me. Spending it with Sehun was the best. Thank you Sehun for being there for me.

Sorry for misspelled words.

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