2. Freaking yet Sweet day

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Guys! EXOTICS! Or somethin'

Wassup! I just wanted to say, can you please help me spread out this story, if you did, PM and tell me how many people did you spread this to and I will give you parts in this story and other parts On the other story I'm making...

Thanks!! ^_^ a lot!


(SeHun's P.O.V)

Byun told me he had two sisters, I didn't know the other one would be arrogant, she's beautiful although she's Arrogant

"I'll be gone now, see you later!" I shouted at the guys. "See you later SeHun!" Kai shouted back. "I picked up my skate board and hopped on it, I examined it clearly and imagining what happened lately.

When I got into the house, I rushed upstairs then laid on my bed, thinking, thinking on what to wear,

Who knows she might come, I wouldn't want her looking at me and calling me a "Freak" again, what a good Example of the word "Arrogant"

Didn't I forgot to say, I started liking her since we were little, I was her only friend who's beside her, and she would only be beside be. But, she left without even a reason, her mom told me that she has to stay in U.S for eight years, but I know it wasn't the reason. I only knew she came back when Baekhyun said her sister came back.

"Argh! stop thinking about her! stop! Stop! STOP!" My thoughts gone wild!

I quickly stood up then going to my closet picking up a nice white v-neck t-shirt with a pair of jeans, I changed .my clothes then headed to the bathroom to fix my hair.


"Sup SeHun!" Kai shouted. "Sup, where are the others, D.o , Byun?" I asked. "Well D.o he said he's gonna pick up Darlene, while Byun, he's still finding a way of sneaking out, unless he's coming with his sister" Kai added. "H-his sister, you mean that arrogant little skateboarding girl that called me "freak" ?" I said. "Yup, her!" Kai replied. "Oh!" The others (exo) shouted. "Sup guys, D.o! I see you've got a date in there" I smirked. "Guys meet Byun Lhea Hun or you could call her Darlene!" He introduced. "She looks more like Byun doesn't she!" Chanyeol responded. "Where's Byun? He said he'd be here soon." Lu Han asked.

(Diana's P.O.V)

"C'mon, will you come with me!" Beakhyun pleaded. "No!" I answered.

"Pretty please with the cherry on top"
"Still no with extra sugar and chocolates on top"
"Please, why wouldn't you come! Tell me"
"Cause I don't want to!"
"Don't dodge my questions, now why!?"

"You and the boys are hanging out, meaning Mr.Arrogant with a face of a jerk will be there." I answered. "And so if he'll be there, c'mon you're my one and only weapon to go out!" He replied. "Still no." I said. "C'mon! Darlene will be alone and no one will be looking after her!" He shouted. "Fuck, where is she now!" I shouted. "I don't know look for her in her room!" Beakhyun demanded. "Don't just stand there, look downstairs!" I said entering her room, revealing NO as in NO Darlene was found. That little piece of shit got out without asking!

"Beakhyun! Get up here and start changing, that little piece of shit got in our way, and don't you think I'm doing this for fun I'm doing this for us! I don't want mom shouting at us again!" I said as I entered my room.

I picked up a loose white t-shirt, some jeans, and threw them at the bed, I fixed my hair into a messy bun then put on my clothes, I applied some mascara then headed of downstairs revealing a Baekhyun with a wide grin on his face. I picked up my car keys then headed of the garage. I started the engine then went off.

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