Chapter Three

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When I woke up the next morning, I expected all of them to be gone. Quinn and Andrew had left, they were busy with their jobs, but Victor and Ryan stayed. Ryan stayed probably to get references for a future book and I guess Victor just found the entire thing entertaining.

Either way, I wasn't expecting anyone to be there when I woke up, so I was walking around in nothing but my boxers and a slightly too big sweater. I took me a full minute of being in the same room as them to realize that they were here, and they were kinda staring at me.

"Nice choice of pajamas." Victor snickered. I blushed heavily.

"I honestly thought you'd have left." I admitted.

"It's not like I'm busy, besides. I can use this for my next book." Ryan admitted.

"I'm in between seasons. I'm fine." Victor chuckled.

"Ugh. I'm to lazy to actually get dressed though." I groaned. Without hearing them say anything else I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple before heading to the living room. They were just watching me as I plopped down next to them and turned on the tv.

I unconsciously went to Netflix and started "By His Hand." It was a tv drama adaptation of one of my favorite books. It just so happens that Viktor stars in it, and Ryan wrote the book. I forgot as I started it. They didn't say anything as I watched the first episode. I was giving small criticism here and there, as I did when I watched movies and shows with my grandpa. Small nitpicky things. Like how the college wasn't accurate, they could've casted better and how inaccurate it was from the book. I was near the butt end of the show too. When the show finished, the silence left.

"Did you... forget we were here?" I jumped in the air, giving a clear answer.

"You aren't used to people being around you, are you?" Ryan added.

"I guess that's kinda obvious. I really did forget you guys were here." I apologized.

"You're kind of a ditz." Victor snickered. I shrugged. I've heard that a lot.

"Maybe." I wasn't really, my grandpa could've said that much, but I hardly knew them,  how could I say a so much.

"So, you think your grandpa has any other magical things here?" Ryan shifted the subject, and I was kinda thankful.

"Who know? I haven't lived here long, could be a lot to explore." I wasn't in the mood right now anyways. I got up and tossed my apple core in the trash.

"I'm going to go take a shower. If you need me, I'll be upstairs." I invited them technically, by complete accident as I walked upstairs. They wouldn't take me up on my offer, even if accidental.

I finished my shower pretty quickly and changed into a short sleeved, skin tight, blue shirt and some blue skinny jeans. I was wearing some plain socks, but that's not important. I headed back downstairs and grabbed my keys and wallet. I shoved my shoes on.

"I'm heading out to the mall, either if you interested in coming?" I asked, looking back at them.

"I guess, can't be all that bad." Victor happily smiled.

"Shouldn't you wear a disguise or something. I can get away with it since my face isn't well known." Ryan snorted.

"I doubt anyone here will recognize me." I simply smiled and walked out. I was met with an unfortunate surprise. My brother had come to visit.  I turned back towards them, who noticed him.

"I need to talk to him, please just wait here." I begged. They nodded and I walked over to my brother.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" I asked. My brother glared. We looked Ike's almost exactly alike, except his hair was slightly darker and his eyes were brown.

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