Chapter Ten

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Horror. Complete horror.

That's exactly what the nursery looks like at this exact moment. Boxes are shoved in the corner, bags and bags of clothes piled on top of them, and random objects sitting in the middle of the room. I know Logan was tired after the baby shower, but could he have at least organized it a bit? Just a little?

Well, I guess it'll be my little adventure. I start going through the bags and getting out the clothes. I sit down on the floor and start organizing by color and size. Weird, I know, but I like everything to be neat and tidy.

After sitting alone in complete silence, I hear some movement downstairs. Logan must be awake. I can hear him talking, but I can't make out what he's saying. Soon, he walks up the stairs and steps in the doorway. "What on earth are you doing?"

I smile, "Organizing. Who were you talking to?"

"The General called, he wanted to know if I wanted to come into work tomorrow..." I glance up at him, curious to know what his answer was. "I told him that I would call him back later after I had spoken with you..."

"Spoken to me about what?"

"Do you think I should go back? I mean, would you be okay by yourself? I would work my normal hours like I always did, and we could eat lunch together?"

"I can't make a decision for you, Logan. If you think you're ready, go."

"But will you be alright by yourself?" He asks again.

"Logan, I'm pregnant, not helpless."

He smiles, "Point taken... So, want me to put the furniture together today? Then you can do whatever you want."

"I was kind of hoping you would say that."

Without another word, he walks over to the large white box that's currently housing the crib. He tears off the tape and rummages around inside, pulling out several bags filled with nuts, bolts, and screws. I try to hide my smile as he pulls out eight large pieces of wood. There're holes at the end of each piece as he looks at the bags again. "Now, why would they give you all this just to put a crib together?" He mutters.

"You mean the big bad army man can't even put together a simple crib? I'm shocked!" I laugh as he glares at me.

"Funny, real funny. I just need to go get my toolbox, don't move!" He walks out the door as I mutter to myself, "Don't worry, I don't think I could get up if I wanted to..."

He steps back in the door, "You really can't, can you?"

I shake my head, "Nope..." He smiles as he walks over and holds out his hand. I take it as he pulls me up. "Why thank you, dear. Now, go find your tools." He heads down the stairs as I walk across the hall and into the office. I roll a chair back across the hall and into the nursery. I position it in the corner and take a seat.

When Logan comes back up with his toolbox in hand, he chuckles, "Nice thinking... Maybe I should put the rocking chair together first. Seems like you'll be needing that if you're going to work in here by yourself, Mrs. I'm-Pregnant-Not-Helpless."

"Just put the crib together, huh?"

Logan worked on the crib for almost an hour until he finally decided to read the directions. After he did that, it only took him about fifteen minutes to complete it. It's amazing what you can do when you read a tiny little piece of paper, isn't it?

After that little project, it only took him about two and a half hours to put the dresser, changing table, and rocking chair together. And I must admit, I called Katie soon after, to thank her for that amazing rocking chair! It was so comfortable, I swear I could sleep in it for a week and never complain once.

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