Chapter Five

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Letter #48

Dear Caroline,

Let's just say, mom and I had a little heart to heart over about a two minute time period. I just reminded her to be kind and I might have mentioned you were a bit stressed. But, she took well to what I told her and promised me that she would take care of you while I'm gone. I made sure and included that when I returned, I wanted to see a relaxed and stress-free Caroline. I might have been a little stern with that little detail as well. :)

I was kind of wondering when the shopping frenzy would begin and I'm glad you took Katie with you. I believe she's just as excited for this baby as we are. Actually, I was wondering if you had thought of a godmother yet. I was thinking that she would be the perfect fit, but of course, you have the final say.

I'm very relieved that you have something to look forward to, honestly, I'm looking forward to receiving a very long letter with all the gifts we've received. I would love to see pictures from the event and I'm sure Katie will take care of that detail, as well.

Oh, dear, Caroline, why on earth would you even think about a nursery theme for a boy? A waste of time, if you ask me, but I'm sure you already knew that. I think Cinderella would be the perfect theme for Julianna and I can't wait to see what that empty room turns into.

Care, I honestly think you've gone completely crazy since I left! You do not gain five pounds a day in any pregnancy, that's completely insane. I don't think any woman enjoys gaining weight, but it's just part of having another human being growing inside of you. I happen to think you look absolutely beautiful and I can tell you're not as upset as you think you are. The way you're looking at the camera says it all. You have that glow.

I guess it would be no shock to tell you that every soldier in my unit agreed that it is indeed a girl. You're carrying high and you know what that means... Julianna it is.

Now, to the difficult part. This was one letter I was not thrilled to write but please, please don't worry... As I write this, the General has just left my tent. He informed me that we are about to leave the base. This is where combat comes in and that's pretty much all I can tell you...

Caroline, I won't be able to write for a while, I won't be able to have any contact with anyone but my soldiers until this mission is complete. I don't know how long it'll be before you hear from me again, it could only be a few days or a few weeks, but please don't stress over it, you'll just worry me.

I'll be fine, Care, you just focus on Julianna. I love you and I miss you.

Love Always,


A few days? A few weeks? What am I supposed to do, wait for a letter to tell me if he's alive or not? I understand that it's a mission and contacting people could give away their location, but for goodness sake's, I'm his wife!

"Caroline!" I hear Helen cry out from the living room. I leave the bedroom and find her and Alex gasping at the TV in horror. I turn and watch as Helen turns the volume up.

"We've just received some very devastating news out of Iran this evening. A United States military unit has been attacked just outside of the state capital. It has been confirmed that at least twenty-five have been found dead and at least fifty more injured. We've also received word that the unit was stationed in Virginia at Fort Lee. No names have been released. This is Kara Thomas reporting live, CNN News."

No words could completely describe what I was feeling... I was terrified, frustrated, and had a sudden feeling of helplessness. How was I to know if he was involved in this? How was I to know if he was alright?

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