moving to Alabama

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Sooo I finally finished we officially are in Alabama so dats cool um.......the place I'm living is really small but sooo.......KAAWII (cute)

Okay it's a two story house and my brother think it's Kowii (scary) since two story houses are in horror movies.

When he said this. I was like.

Nani? (What)

Datte (but) (haha butt) this is a apartment.

He said "nahh we need some kind of persist to come and pour holy water all over dis house"

*cue facepalm*

Baka gaki  (idoit brat)

He he my brothers are also telling me I'm not speaking Japanese but guess what when I start speaking fluent Japanese .......let's just say I would be scolded if I said it out loud. ;)

ANY way it's going to be hard to make friends but I'll manage

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