Chapter11~we broke up?

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I jumped up  heart beating out of my chest was I about to catch Robyn kissing Ben?...
Shaking I grab the door handle and yanked it open to my surprise I didn't see Robyn and Ben near each other very suspiciously "did u 2 just kiss ?" They both turned to me and looked really confused then Robyn said "OMG I can't believe that u would think I would ever do anything like that to u EVER I wouldn't Alex u know that u don't trust me?? Ugh...." She sprinted out of the room pushing past me banging my shoulder into the door frame which really hurt  but all I cared about is knowing where Robyn went and why . Suddenly I turned away from bed walked a few steps and put my hands on my face blocking everyone and every thing out of my head then I head Ben singing "u fucked  up lalalala" I felt like I was going to punch him in the balls or face but I didn't I just ran Into my room slammed the door and locked it and started to text Robyn
Me: where r u
Me: what happened
Me:r u ok
Robyn: I'm fine thanks
Me: come back
Me:I'll give u cookies
Robyn : no , I don't want any
Me:2 cookies ?
Robyn: NO
Me: 3?
Robyn YES ok I'll come back I miss u BUT NO FUCKING COOKIES DICK!!!!
Me: u can have my dick ,ok coming love u  xxxx
Robyn : love u 2 xxxx bring money I want pizza xxxxx
Me: ok babe xxxx
END of convo then I went to find her :)

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