Genji Shimada

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        I was laying under a blanket on my bed, just looking up at the ceiling. Jessie's memory came back, meaning she's back to her old self...also meaning she knows we had sex and now it's become basically our hobby, a hobby that I have no problem with at all.
        As I thought to myself someone started ringing my doorbell. I tried hard to ignore it but eventually they started rapidly buzzing it, annoyed I got up, without putting sweatpants or a shirt on, stomped over to the front door and swung it open. I expected to see a salesman or some little kid selling me something, what I wasn't expecting was to see Jessie standing there in a tight low cut shirt and super short shorts. I couldn't help but stare, she's just so fucking hot, scars, metal arm, everything. I looked her up and down, through her shirt I saw my favorite accessory she always wears, her bellybutton piercing. I got so lost in thought and I didn't realize I was still in my underwear.

          "Wanna put y'er boner away? Or do ya need some help with that, if so I'd be more than happy to." She took a step forward so she was pushed up against me, than her hand was cupping me. I smiled down at her and wrapped my arms around her, she bit her lip and got on her tiptoes pushing her lips against mine. I pulled away for a moment and pulled her inside.

           "So how do you plan on helping me? I'm very interested in finding out." She smirked and back me to the couch, sat me down and got on her knees. I started blushing and covered my mouth, hiding the fact that I was smiling, slowly her hand started stroking up and down my cock.

           "This okay? Ya really enjoyed it last time I did it." Jessie's voice was dripping with amusement, all I could manage to do was nod my head, she gave a small giggle and than her lips were on me. I put my hand on the back of her head, and even though it felt good enough to scramble my brain I couldn't look away, and I know it's perverted but...she still looks beautiful. Even if she's got my dick in her mouth.
           After three minutes I started to feel myself climaxing, she can to and I know she can because she stopped, looked up at me and gave me a very innocent looking smile. Before she or I could say anything someone came through my front door, I turned my head and saw my brother...and Mccree, staring at us completely shocked.
          Mccree's shock quickly turned into rage and he stomped towards me. Jessie got up and stepped infront of him, grabbed his arm and glared at him.

           "Don't ya dare lay a finger on him. Incase y'er forgetin' I'm an adult, a twenty-three year old adult. It's not illegal for me to suck Genji's dick, or have sex with him, or be in a relationship with him. Ya also don't get to start actin' like you give a shit just 'cause Gramps and Abuelo want to adopt me." Mccree turned his head towards Jessie but didn't calm down, he grabbed her arm and yanked her out of my apartment. Hanzo walked over to the couch and sat down next to me, I grabbed a pillow and put it over myself. My brother put his hand on my knee and gave me a sad look.

"He just wants to protect her...Jessie I mean. She means everything to him, when she went into the coma he thought he had lost her for good, when he wasn't with her I found him at our home drunk out of his mind, saying what happened was all his fault...he got lucky when she woke up the next day with amnesia. But now he's at risk of actually loosing her for good, he doesn't hate you Genji...he just doesn't want anyone to take her away, and he thinks that you're going to do just that." I stared at Hanzo as he spoke, I couldn't help but feel guilty for Mccree. He's done nothing but love Jessie for years and now because he's slipped up several times, Commander Reyes and Strike Commander Morrison want to take her away.
We sat in silence for a few seconds than Jessie and her dad came back inside, both yelling at eachother. Mccree grabbed Jessie's arm and yanked her back aggressively, I stood up ready to get her away from him, but Hanzo got up to and stood infront of me.

Modern Genji x Jessie Mccree(genji x oc)Where stories live. Discover now