Half/Purebloods In Muggle School

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Draco: What is this? *hold up pen*

Ron: It is called a-*looks at guide*-Peeeeen?

Seamus: Ugh. It's a PEN guys.

Harry: What is this thing called ALGEBRAH???


Seamus: Why did Sally buy 60 watermelons? WHAT DO YOU NEED 60 WATERMELONS FOR?!?!?!?

Ron: Can we get our wands back PLEASE?

Me: Nope This is what you get for saying Muggle life is easy. YOU have never had Math, English, or any Science or anything. TIME TO LEARN, KIDDIES!

All: UUUUUUGH!!!!!

Me: Huehuehuehuehue.

All mudbloods: *maniacal laugh*

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