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Nagisa P.O.V

It's so dark...
I can't move...
Everywhere hurts...
I feel as if I'm falling...
I feel like I'm going to die...

Am I... Dead?

I wake up seeing doctors and nurses surrounding me...

"What's going on...?" I asked still really tired. I heard one of them say something about slipping away... did I die...? I drifted off to sleep and only sleep. It was dreamless and dull.

Karma P.O.V

He's okay... I'm so happy... he slipped away from me for a few minutes... I'm so happy they got him back. He muttered something before falling asleep.

He's so fragile...
Like he'll break if I touch him.
I just hope my blue haired boy is safe...
I left the hospital and went to the library to do some digging on Hiromi Shiota. I hacked my way into finding things about her... she's bipolar...her neighbors complain about her noise... she's kind to girls and only girls? I don't understand... wait... Nagisa looks like a girl... is she why he keeps his hair long? Is she why Nagisa despises cross dressing? Is she why Nagisa is in the hospital?

One week has past

Nagisa P.O.V

The only people who come to visit are my mother and Karma... when Karma's here all he does is ask questions, of course I don't answer him. I think my classmates don't like me now that they think I've done this...

Poor poor social life... you never stood a chance against my mother and her lies...

I've felt so lonely and my heart is always aching, it only ever stops when Karma is around... I do love to see his red hair and golden eyes... and I love the sound of his voice... the thought of him being the only one who didn't abandon me made me happy. I only have about two weeks days left until I go back to my mothers. I get chills just thinking about her.

Korosensei told me that my classmates don't know what to say to me and he asked me why I would do such a thing. I never answered him though. It was so hard lying all the time...

Karma keeps coming every day which I'm happy about. I'm happy to see he cares about me this much. I honestly don't want to go home to my mother.

When Nagisa gets discharged

Still Nagisa P.O.V

My mom isn't here. Good.
But, why is karma here? Karma walks with me and we stop in front of the apparent building but he grabbed my hand and made me continue walking.

"Karma, we just passed the apartment. Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to my house to stay there. If your mom has a problem with that she can come find us."

"And what if I have a problem with that?"

"Then too bad. You aren't safe when you're out of my sight."

It hurts to keep walking this much... I told the doctor that it didn't hurt at all but I was lying. It hurts to walk around still...

And suddenly..... Karma... picked me up?

Karma P.O.V

He's lagging behind. I can tell it hurts him to walk because of how he's walking. I pick him up princess style (A/n: I laughed at that.) in fear he could hurt himself more if he continued walking on his own. He looked at me like he knew why I did it. I don't care if he keeps struggling and telling me to let go like he is, I won't let him go.

He suddenly stopped struggling, my guess is it hurts even more to struggle like how he was. I asked him a question I hadn't asked before.

"Tell me this Nagisa, if I were to take you to your apartment would there be blood on the floor in your bedroom or somewhere else?"

No reply.

I knew he wasn't going to reply. I can't wait until I get to put him in one of my shirts, it'll be so cute seeing him in something too big for him to wear. I think I might tell him my fee-

"Hey, Karma?" He cut me off from my thoughts

"Yeah, Nagisa?"

"I want to tell you something... Not about my injuries or how I got them... But something I've wanted to tell you for a while..."

"Sure, go ahead, Nagisa. Say what you want to tell me."

"Karma, I.... I think... I love you... as more... than just friends..." I was so happy to hear this

"Oh? Well that's good. Because lucky for you I love you like that too. That doesn't change the fact that you're staying with me."I think he smiled for the first time in a while. He made me smile too.

"Alright then. But what am I going to do about clothes?"

"You'll wear my shirts and the pants you currently have which aren't your school pants I'm guessing. I think I'll be able to find some of my clothes that are about your size. Though you'll look adorable in an oversized shirt. And don't worry about my parents they're out on business like they usually are." It's not like I haven't fantasized about him in an oversized shirt and just his underwear underneath.

"What does the class think about me?" It made me sad to hear him even have to ask.

"I explained to them that you didn't do this to yourself and that it was impossible for you to have done all that by yourself. They were upset you lied, especially Korosensei, I think him and Kaede were the two maddest people there when I told them. After I told them you were only doing it to protect someone. Okuda said she might have a way to turn all those wounds into scars sooner so it won't hurt for as long. That is if you're willing to try it."

"I'll think about it. Say, do you think-?" He stopped when I told him we were at my house.

Time skip one hour.

After an hour of silence between the both of us I had to say something, anything.

"Hey, Nagi- asleep already? You can't sleep in your clothes, stupid. Just like a child." I picked him up and brought him to my room and laid him down, gently, so I didn't wake him up.

He looks like a child, so cute and innocent. I slowly pulled off his shirt before snuggling up behind him and holding him. What was he thinking, trying to protect his mother how he was... he can't even protect himself, so how does he expect to protect someone else?

"Do you plan to waste your life away or die trying to protect someone who isn't worth your protection?"

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