The End of an Era

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       They were gone. They were shot dead while they happily danced together. The reign of Victoria and Nicholas Lèvon was over. My entire life as I knew it was wiped away by four bullets.
It had been a day since that fateful breakfast and I was still analyzing what happened. That girl, I knew it had to be her. I remember the look of determination on her face. I remember the way she wore a small smirk instead of a smile like the rest of the staff. However, one thing that I can never forget is how I shook off her presence. If only I could have told someone; then maybe I could have stopped it all from ever happening.
The sound of the door to my room slowly opening stopped my depressing thoughts. I turned my head over to see the vivid blue eyes of Sebastian Russel that I knew I could pick out of a photo line up, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had to. Only this time they were different, they weren't infected by his constant smile. They were sullen like the rest of his boyish face. "Rosemary, I have something to tell you," he sadly informed me, sitting beside my vertical body that lay on my bed.
       "What?" I asked, not entirely paying attention.
       "They found out who killed your parents and-"
       "Who is it?" I cut him off instantly sitting up.
       "Well, her name is Odessa, Odessa Dubois. She's an x, and the leader of a rebel unit. Her and her followers are dead set on eliminating the higher ups," Sebastian stoke quickly and in choppy sentences. I knew what he meant by "higher ups". I knew that translated to me.
       I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be weak. But I was scared, I was so scared. I wasn't just frightened though, I was miserable. The two people I cared most about in the world were gone. The woman who caused me to utter my first word, mommy, was ripped out of my life in a fraction of a second. Then, the man who could invade a country at will, but was still so kind and loving to anyone and everyone was taken out of my touch so quickly. They were supposed to be bulletproof. They were supposed to be immortal. But in reality, who is?
       I fell apart. I let the tears come quickly. I let them stream down my face as I sobbed unashamedly. Sebastian held me close as I rested my head on his shoulder. I knew that his shirt would be ruined, but I couldn't stop. My life had come crashing down before my eyes and I didn't know how to handle it. I lived in heaven on earth, but now that had quickly turned to hell on earth.
       I tried to distract myself. I tried to focus on the strong scent of earthy tones that was Sebastian Russel, but it was impossible. I could feel Sebastian's hand rubbing soothingly down my back and I somehow knew that things would be ok. Knowing that and believing it are two different things however.
"It's ok Rosey," Sebastian tried to calm me down by using his own personal nickname for me.
"Oh Rosemary!" Jabari said dramatically bursting into the room with tears in his red stained eyes. He quickly walked over to the bed to sit down beside Sebastian and I.
I untangled myself from Sebastian and wiped my eyes. I refused to let my future husband see me cry. I took a deep breath to try to steady my breathing.
       "Rosemary, darling, how are you feeling?" Asked Jabari.
       "I'm feeling ok. I could be better, but I'm ok." I knew that was a lie. I didn't really know why I thought it had was necessary to lie to Jabari. In my mind I guess it was because couldn't really trust him. I hardly even knew him.
Despite my cold feelings I tried to act caring, at least with Jabari. I had to appear strong. I had to be what the people needed me to be and what Jabari thought I was.
For some reason it was different around Sebastian though. He could watch me cry yet never call me weak. He was kind and caring, two qualities that I just couldn't see in Jabari. Maybe it was the fact that I grew up with him; at least that's what I convinced myself it was.
       "Well, I'm glad to see that you're doing good despite these terrible events. However, I'm afraid that some of your parents' former advisors are wondering what will happen next. They are suggesting that you be inaugurated as soon as possible," Jabari stated with a business like attitude.
"Oh, uh ok. I'll talk to them latter then," I told him.
"Sebastian could you leave us alone please," Jabari demanded.
"Of course sir." Sebastian got up and quickly left the room, but not before turning around to silently mock Jabari.
"Rosemary, I think it would be better if we got married sooner rather than later. It might help the people feel just a small sense of unity, give them something to look forward to," he spoke with a calming voice.
"Oh um, yes- yes of course," even though his words should have sent a pang of fear or worry through me they did nothing. They caught me off guard, but they didn't make me feel anything. All I could feel was grief. All I could think of was my parents. In my mind that was all that mattered. I mean, if we are to get married anyway then what does it matter when that happens.
"Good, I'm glad you agree. I'll go inform the advisors now," with that Jabari quickly made his way out of my room without so much as a goodbye.

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