Chapter 11

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When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now

"Alisha and Jake? "
"Alisha and Jake!"
"Alisha and Jake."

That's all the schools been talking about for the past week and to be honest I'm kinda over it. Lauren and I have had our ears talked off all week and we were both ready for the weekend when something else would happen so that we would only have the play-by-play from Alisha and not the whole school.

They were cute together, everyone had to admit. They were both people that if you met you instantly liked. This had the whole school routing for them from the start.

On Monday, when they walked in together, everyone thought they were adorable, the same line of thought continued on through Tuesday. Wednesday everyone thought they would be together forever and by the time Thursday and Friday rolled around it was like people were planning out their babies.

That is everyone except Lauren and I. We looked in with a watchful eye, checking Jake's every move. If he did anything wrong whatsoever we were ready to swoop in like a couple of mother hens. Although he wasn't notorious for breaking every girls heart, we still had our suspicions.

     The same thing happened the next week; where the entire school fell in love with them, and then again the next. What we really through Lauren and I off was how quickly he could move on; and to the best friend at that.

   Alisha, however , was over the moon. Her crush had asked her out and everyone loved them! It was a dream come true for her. She was determined to not believe anything negative that anyone said.

    Even though we were suspicious we still didn't want this to happen, we didn't want him to break her heart.

    It happened on the Saturday after the two weeks that they had been dating. Right when everyone got used to the idea of them dating.

  Alisha and I had just spent the night with Lauren in Lauren's amazing mansion, when we woke up we had plans to head to the beach for the day to soak up the last bit of summer before the full on kick in of fall.

He initially texted me to make sure that we were still at the house saying that he was going to swing by. I groaned when I read the text but told him we were here. I assumed that he was just going to pull up and say/do something cheesy. I never imagined he was coming to break up with her.

    Once he got to Lauren's house, he texted me and I decided to alert Alisha to the fact hat he was here in a delightfully hilarious way. "I think you need a touch of pink, my dear." I told her grinning maniacally.

  "Or blue, blue could work too." Lauren said, getting where i was coming from.

"What are you talking about? " Alisha asked bewildered.

"Oh, nothing." I told her innocently," just discussing the fact that you need more color."

"A lot more color." Lauren agreed, slowly reaching for the baby powder we had dyed last night.

"Are you saying I'm pale? Because I've tanned all summer and I think I -hey!" She screamed, cutting herself off when we threw the powder in her.

Lauren and I burst out laughing.

"Relax it's just baby powder." Lauren told her, in the midst of dying.

"Blue baby powder?" Alisha demanded with a glare.

I got my breath just long enough to reply, "yup! Now go out and meet your second surprise."  I managed to get out in a hurry,  while shoving her out the door.

Lauren and i both crowded around the window to see their faces. His was a mixture of laugher and something else? While hers was full of complete and utter embarrassment as she tried to explain why she looked like a human tie dyed t shirt. When seeing her face, Lauren and I fell to the floor laughing, for the second time within ten minutes.

When we hopped back up Jake was wringing his hands and looking extremely nervous. What was with him? When he finally spit out whatever he was going to say, Alisha shuddered and turned around. That was when I noticed the tears.

Before I knew it, I was out the door and halfway across the lawn. Jake was climbing into his car by the time I got to Alisha. She only had to whisper the words "he broke up with me" before i darted across the other half of the yard.

I made it to Jake just in time for him to start his car say,"I'm sorry " and drive away.

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