Chapter 4

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Hunter's POV...

     This was supposed to be easy... Get the girl, get her to the apartment, give her to Selena, and get paid. Now Selena may not sound like a very scary person, but if you don't do what she says, how she says to do it when she says... you're dead. Literally. The last person she 'hired' drowned, in a vat of vegetable oil. But as weird as it is to admit this, I kinda like this girl. I mean, she's quirky and the way she defies me even when I'm pretending that I'll hurt her (Which, let's just get this straight, I would never do intentionally) itches a little spot in my heart. She's kinda cute when she's asleep (not in a creepy way or anything) because she has a smile on her face that lets me know she's having a good dream. That thought is interrupted by my new iPhone 7 (perk of the job) vibrating in my pocket to tell me I am receiving a phone call. The caller I.D. Is 'unknown' but I have a pretty good feeling who it is.   

     "This is Hunter," I say in a tone that screams 'customer service'.

      "The boss wants to know if you have the girl." a deep, scratchy voice states matter of factly.

      "Tell Selena that everything's under control and we are on schedule."

   "You better be. If not, we'll have problems."

  "Okay tough guy, that won't be necessary." a familiar female voice said, "Let me speak to Hunter." Selena usually doesn't speak directly to her 'clients' but she's always talked to me. Before I can decide if that's a good thing or not, she begins to speak to me. "Hunter, how is Skylar?"

  "I suppose she's doing good, she's asleep right now... possibly my doing..." I reply nonchalantly.

  "Good, has she put up much of a struggle?"

  "No, she's smart but not very strong. She doesn't seem very scared either. She's more annoyed."

  "Let her be. And don't tell her what's going to happen to her yet. I don't want her to lose her nerve and not be able to complete the tasks ahead of her." She said in a foreboding tone."Oh, and Hunter?"

  "Yeah what's up?"

  "Be safe, okay? I don't want you to let that girl best you Keep your guard up"

  "Ummm sure..." I'm not sure what she meant by that but I don't want her to start thinking we're a thing. With that, I ended the call and looked over to see Skylar beginning to stir. "You're cute," I whisper to myself and, unfortunately, she heard me say something but luckily she didn't catch what I said.

       "What was that?" she said sleepily, "Chloe, is that you?" That upset me, she misses her friend and doesn't even remember where she is yet. "Superman?"

  "I'm here," I whispered softly.

  "Where are you taking me?" she asked still in a tranquil tone.

  "Somewhere safe." I technically didn't lie since that is partially the truth. As long as she cooperates, she'll be as safe as she can when doing the tasks Selena will put her through. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see how fast I was going until Skylar started yelling.

  "Superman! Slow down! You're going 40 over!" Oh crap, the speed limit was 70, so I'll let you do the math.

  "Sorry! I lost concentration."

      "What in the world could take away so much of your concentration that you would go 110 miles per freaking hour?" I could tell she was being sarcastic, but I think she wants an answer.

      "Um nothing, I was just thinking." I lied.

  "What were you thinking about?" she asked this like a parent who knows their kid is avoiding the truth.

  "Okay, to be honest, I was thinking about you and what is to come in the near future."

  "Awwww... Such a charmer. What's going to happen in the near future?" she asked quizzically.

  "I'll tell you all the details when we get to where you'll be staying for a while." And don't worry about your friends and family, they think you are on a payed-for academic trip to Germany to learn some boring stuff. And don't worry, you'll get back to your parents safely. I promise.

  "You know, besides kidnapping me, threatening my friends, and holding me at 'gunpoint', you're not that bad," she said that with a slight blush growing on her face, making her look even cuter than before. "Thanks, I guess. You're not terrible yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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