new room

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Next morning
Lele's P.O.V
We slept snuggled in with each other. I can smell he's cooking something delicious. So I'm not going to disturb him so I'm going to take a shower I grab a towel and take a bath. And I finished and locked the door and started looking at the clothes we brought yesterday I put on a graphic tee shirt and some sweatpants and combed my hair and opened the door. And snuck up behind Juanpa and freaked thr shout out him. "Mierda"he yelled. (Sh** in english). "I  burned my finger." He said. "Omg sorry Juanpa." I told him. And kissed his finger. No don't do that he said that's my job and kissed me. I felt like he was mad at me but it was a joke and I fell for it. But it turned out romantic.   "so you're ready to design and buy furniture for your room!"He said excited. "Yeah " I said to him looking at his beautiful eyes. "What is there something wrong." "No I'm looking at your eyes there so beautiful." I told him."There not as pretty as you."He said. I kissed him and went into the room he said is going to be mine. It's  was big like a big family room but his was more bigger. But I can sleep in which ever room I want. I walk in and I see this picture of Juanpa when he was younger he looked adorable. "Juanpa look what I found!"I told him. "Oh yeah that's my favorite picture of me when I was younger."He said. You look handsome and adorable. I told him. "Thanks baby ." He said. I then go and see there's a big ass tv on the floor that was never connected. And I go and see the bathroom and it was big. I then see Juanpa at the door and he said I'll get dressed so we can go. OK. I then go see what he made and he comes out and dressed and then he served me food and it was the most delicious breakfast I ever had. Then we went to the Bob's the furniture store we brought a big queen bed set dressers, bed stands, desks, shelves, and a sofa bed. And then we went to best buy and brought a computer. Then we ordered a big truck to bring the stuff home. When we were home Juanpa and the workers fixed all the things and placed it the way I wanted it to be arranged. When the workers left. Me and Juanpa went into amazon and we brought decorations and he let me use his credit card and buy what ever I wanted. And we went to target to get more decorations for my room and then I see Juanpa with a girl talking and taking a selfie. " What's going on here !"I yelled furiously looking into Juanpa's eyes. "Lele this is one of my fans and she wanted a picture. " He said. " Okay. " "Don't worry mi amor. "  He told me leaning in and kissed me. " I love you and I will trust you." I told him. "Sorry if I screamed at you."I told the girl. "It's okay ,but wait is Juanpa your boyfriend because you two look so cute together!" She told us." Yeah we're dating but you can't tell anybody."I told her. Fine she said and left. And I grabbed Juanpa's hand and he kissed me pasionently and we both giggled. And brought a bunch of food and decorative items. And pillows and covers for me and towels. And I didn't feel that good. But that didn't keep me from telling Juanpa. "Juanpa I don't fell good my stomach hurts and I feel like I want to vomit" I told him. OK you wanna go to the hospital. "Yeah please told him he made sure to tell the Target employee to ship the items to our house. And we left to the car and rushed to the hospital. For me and when we were called and then a doctor told us to do an ultrasound which was wierd. And we did it and this happens, " Have you guys made any sexual contact with each other?" Asked the doctor. "Yeah why! "I told him. And Juanpa was holding my hand and mouth wide open nervous and hugged me. And I was nervous."What's going on?"I asked."You don't know !"Asked Juanpa. " no!!" I said. "I'm going to be a father Lele and you a mother!" He said. " You're pregnant Mam." The doctor added. "How I said. You guys could go if you want to now the doctor added. Juanpa lifted me and brought me to the ground and hugged me tightly. And kissed me and yelled "I'm going to be a father! !"  I smiled and he twirled me around and kissed me pasionently and I went with it and I told him but it was one night how did I become pregnant? Are you still going to love me Juanpa?  I asked him nervous." Of course I'll love you I'll always love you forever! And I always wanted to be a dad! Said Juanpa excited about the news. And he twirled me around even more.

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