Chapter #1

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I wake up in a cold dark room with stone walls and I can't move it is like I am chained down to the floor. Where am I? How did I get here? Where is my sister? Am I dreaming? Am I okay? Did I fall?
*Go Back 24 Hours*
"Ellie come downstairs your sister is waiting for you!" Mom said.
"I'm coming tell her go wait in the car for me I need like one minute." I say back.
"Okay you better hurry!" She yells back.
Emma and I are going to our favorite park in San Francisco. It is our favorite park because it is where our dad took us when we were kids. It feels like we spent most of our childhood there it is our favorite place in the whole wide. Our dad died last year in a car accident during the winter so every time we go back to the park it feels like a part of our dad is there with us. I quickly grab a jacket out of my closet and shove my feet into the pair of boots sitting by my door. Then I run downstairs grab the keys off the kitchen counter say bye to mom and head to the car. Emma is sitting in the front seat starring out the window to see if I am coming. When I open up my door to get in she says
"About time I thought I was going to be out here forever what took you so long?"
"Sorry I lost track of time I was doing my makeup and getting dressed. I didn't realize what time it was!" I told her.
"Okay fine but by the way I get to pick the music because you took so long!" Emma said.
Emma and I had a deal that whoever was ready to leave first would get the pick the music. Her and I have the total opposite taste in music. I like classic and instrumental music. But she likes the hard core rock bands and rap. So it was going to be a very long trip to the park even though it is a 20 minute drive there.
"Okay just don't play it too loud I don't want to have a headache because I want to enjoy the park. Deal?" I said.
"Yes!" She replied with a huge smile on her face.
She turns on her music and I just kind of block it out and stare at the road. We get to the park and get of the car and put on our running shoes we keep in my car. Then we put on our jackets and then we start by walking the first trail then we move to the second trail and do a slight jog. But we get back up the trial I am ready for the third one on a running pace.
"Hey Em you ready lets see who can get back up to the top first okay?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go I am going to beat you!!" She said with a wide grin on her face.
"On three ready one..."
We were running really fast the path was steep and rocky. I am in the lead I look back to see if Emma is behind me but when I look back I see nothing. Full of nothing but dark black space.

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