Chapter #2

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I try and open my eyes but I can't they feel like sandbags on my face! But I keep trying to open then I get them open a little but I don't see anything. I finally get them open but it's like they are still shut because all that is there is darkness. So I try and stand up but I can't there is something holding me down by the feet and hands. So I start to scream at the top of my lungs.
"Help me! I can't move! Help! Anyone!" I scream. Then out of no where I hear a voice saying
"Calm child calm. Yelling will only make it worse! You have to stay calm." The voice was a man's voice deep and dark.
"Where are you? You can't I see you?"I scream back at the voice.
"You can not see you will never see me." The voice replied.
"You just need to stay calm and keep quiet. If you aren't it will cause you more pain in the end. They will come and get you when it is time. But for now you have to listen to me!" The voice said.
I was very confused what did he mean by pain? Who was going come and get me? In time for what? But I decided to listen to the voice because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.  I sit on the cold hard floor for a very long time. I begin to cry asking my self why am I here? Where is here? Did my family send me here? How did I get here? But I remember what the voice said to keep quiet so I wipe my tears and calm myself down as much as I can. Then I see I little ray of light. I begin to shake in fear! The ray of light gets wider like someone is opening a door. Then I see two large white figures approaching me. They undo whatever was holding me down then pick me up with their hands under my arms and drag me out. I have tears rolling down my face I am so scared.

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