Chapter #3

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The strange figures carry me out of the dark room into a hallway that is full of white. The white light is so bright that it is almost blinding. I shut my eyes but the harder I squeeze them the fast tears form and roll down my face. But I can't move my arms so the tears hit the floor as we move. I hear the figures say things between each other like I am not even there. But then I hear someone say "Take her to the dressing room. She is a size small."
What are they talking about? Why am I going to a dressing room? But then I feel a rush a cool air brush across my face. Then I am lifted up onto a cold table that feels like it is steel.
"Open your eyes and put these on! We will be waiting outside so don't try any funny business!" The one white figure commands.
I open my eyes I am in a room that appears to be some sort of lab room. It has a steel table that I am sitting on in the center of the room. On the right there is a counter with cotton swabs and other medical tools on it in small dishes. The walls are made out of dark gray bricks. As soon as I finish examining the room I put on the white gown that was placed beside me. Then I put on the white socks that were inside the gown. I sit back on the table because the figures are coming back in the room again.
"Lay back on the table and open your mouth." Commanded the white figure
The other figure grabs a cotton swab out of the container and get a tube out of one of the small dishes. The figure that is standing by my head takes the swab and sticks it in my mouth and rubs it on my cheek. Then he takes the tube and sticks the swab in it and closes the cap. He then sticks the tube in a little hold in the wall and it disappears.
"Get up! On your feet!" Commanded the figure
I get up they again grab me by my under arms and open the door from the dressing room. They are taking me somewhere else I feel the fear bubbling up in me again. We head down the hall into another room. This room is full of computers and tables. But in the center there is a glass wall with a chair in the center of it. They take me to the chair and place me down. What is going to happen next? Are they going to kill me?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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