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September, 2016

"What about you ma'am", Mr. Dolan asked me.

"Huh", I said, obviously not paying attention.

"Tell us three facts about you", he said smiling and I stood up.

"Um. Well, my name's Ayana. I'm 17 about to be 18 in six months. And... Um... I love animals", I said as I awkwardly sat down.

"Is that all", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm really not that interesting".

"We'll see about that", he said, smirking. "Okay class, now get your textbooks out-", the bell rang as everyone got up and walked out the door. "I guess I lost track of time. I'll see you guys tomorrow".

I stood up, got my stuff and walked to the door.

"Bye Ayana", Mr. Dolan said, standing by the door.

"Bye Mr. Dolan", I said as I walked to my locker.


"Oh my God, he was so fine", said Kelly as we sat in my bedroom doing our homework. "You should have seen the way he looked at Ayana".

"What do you mean", me and Kaliyah said at the same time.

"Ayana you can't be that oblivious", Kelly said.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. He seemed like a regular teacher to me", I said.

"You didn't see him smirk at you and I know you heard his remark when you said you weren't interesting. 'We'll see about that'. That doesn't seem weird to you", she asked as she turned on my TV.

I just shrugged my shoulder and went on my phone.

"Ayana you can't tell me you don't think he's fine".

"I never said that. Yes he is fine, but I'm dating Cameron, plus too old for me".

"Well he can catch this case. Anytime, any day", Kelly said under her breath.

"You nasty Kelly", said Kaliyah as we all laughed.

"Hey, you guys wanna go out and do something", Kelly asked us.

"Like what", Kaliyah asked.

"Shopping. Cameron's party is Saturday", Kelly said as she pit on her shoes.

"I forgot about that. I guess we can", I said as I got up to get my shoes.

"Yay", she said since she loved shopping.

At the Mall

After all of us got our clothes, we decided to just walk around and window shop.

As we walked into Victoria's Secret, we saw Mr. Dolan kissing some blonde.

"Is that Mr. Dolan", asked Kelly.

"I'm pretty sure. But when did he change his hair", I said. Instead if it being in it's usual quiff hairstyle, his hair was down and some of the strands in the front were dyed purple.

"I thought he was single", said Kelly, looking disappointed.

"It's not like you were gonna get him anyway. C'mon", said Kaliyah as we pulled Kelly out the store.

October, 2016

One Month Later

"Ayana what is the answer", Mr. Dolan asked me, pointing to the question on the board.

"I don't know", I said.

"Of course you don't know, because instead of you paying attention in my class, you doze off, thinking about God knows what".

"I'm trying, okay", I said irritated.

This man has been on my case ever since the second week he's been here. He constantly calls me out even when I'm not the only one talking. It's like he's out to get me.

"Well obviously you're not. Your homework is never completed, your classwork is never completed. You had an A when I first came and now you have a D".

"Maybe if you weren't always breathing over my shoulder I could get my work done", I mumbled under my breath but he heard me.

"What did you say", he said furiously.

"I said maybe if you weren't always breathing over my shoulder, I could get my work done! Ever since the second fucking week you've been here, you've been on my case! Always worrying about me! How bout you do your job and I do mines", I yelled.

"Get out", he said, walking to the door, opening it.

"What", I said. All my confidence gone.

"You heard me, get out. Go to the principal's office", he said.

"For what? I didn't do anything".

"For that little outburst just a minute ago. Now please leave", he said pointing to the door.

"Whatever", I said, getting my things, walking out the door on my way to the principal's office.

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