Chapter one

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Theo's point of view.

7 years ago (age 10)
watched as the scenery in the window quickly change. Tree by tree passed as I left my entire life behind. It wasn't that I wanted to leave, I had to. It isn't everyday you find your sister floating in a creek. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see were her cold lifeless eyes staring at me. Maybe one day I'll come back but right now it hurts to be so close.

Present day (age 17)


I rolled over, my eyes fluttered open. Then I saw him... Stiles Stilinski laying next to me fast asleep. I don't remember how I got here.
"Theo?" He mumbled.
"Hmm." I answered
"Why are you half naked in my bed?" He asked.
"Good question." I answered.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked.
"Nope. The last thing I remember was going to that party with you Liam and Scott. Then we started drin- oh my god did we..."
"I don't know! Did we?" Stiles shot out of bed. I sat up instantly noticing the ripped condom package on the floor.
"Theo what's wrong?" He asked. I just stared at the empty package.
He followed my gaze till he reached the item on the floor.
"Oh my god we did." He scratched the back of his neck.
"It not that big of a deal I mean." I answered
"Yes it is! It's a big deal... a really big deal! We had sex Theo!"
"Yeah so? "
"We, us... two guys had sex! I'm not gay."
"Stiles it's not that bad you could have done worse."
"I know Theo but, things are different now. It's gonna be awkward around everyone." He said.
"It's only awkward if you make it awkward."
"Theo... if you haven't noticed.... I'm the most awkward person ever! Practically Everything I say is awkward."
"Stiles I'm going back to bed. I'm exhausted. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
"Yeah yeah whatever." He climbed back into bed.

(End of dream)

I quickly woke up, sitting up immediately.
I was in my own bed again sitting in my room alone. What the hell was that! I sat in bed silently thinking about the dream. I haven't seen stiles in nearly ten years. Well 7 but close enough. I have seen him on social media but I never dared to contact him. He never trusted me. To be honest he was probably only friends with me because Scott liked me.

I sat there for at least 20 minutes, I finally came to a conclusion. Its time to go back... to beacon hills.

3 days later...
I drove my truck into the driveway of our old house. One that never went on the market. My family wanted to come back someday so we never sold. My parents are both dead now so I'm on my own.

I walked into the old house with a box of my things. The rest still in my truck.

It was just as we left it, a layer of dirt laid over everything, all the windows were open. Leaves were scattered across the floor.

I quickly grabbed my broom and cleaning stuff from out of my truck. I began picking up leaves and mopping the floor. I cleaned the house top to bottom and shut the windows. The house was large, it felt empty with just me there. Maybe I should get a room mate?

I took all the boxes I had out of my truck. I placed them all in the living room. The old couch was still there enclosed in plastic.

I decided I would unpack tomorrow. I slept on the couch seeing as I'm still waiting for the movers to bring my mattress, bed frame and other furniture.

I had already sorted things out with beacon high and I start school tomorrow. I'm nervous... how will people react to me being back.

I had a restless sleep, I dreamt of the same thing... waking up next to stiles.


Next day.

I woke up early and took a shower and got ready for school. I'm nervous yes but I'm also confident. I thought about how I'm going to come up to them. I just decided to wing it after not coming to a conclusion.

I drove my large truck over to beacon hills high. I parked in the assigned student parking. I grabbed my bag and confidently walked over to the entrance. I saw A girl running down the hall. "Scott, Stiles! " she yelled running over to two boys at a locker. That's stiles, oh my god it's actually stiles. "What Kira what's wrong." Scott said.
"Another... project in history." She winced.
I decided i would wait to approach them until later.
"Is he new?" Scott asked as I walked past them.
"Yeah I think so." Stiles answered. I'm not surprised they don't remember me I mean it has been seven years, I've changed a lot. I smirked and walked into my fist class.
AP biology.

I took a seat behind Scott he just continued flipping through his book.

After class I again saw Scott and stiles standing at one of the lockers. It's time...

I slowly walked up to them,
"Hey guys." I smiled.
"Do we know you?" Scott asked.
"Once." I answered.
"Theo...?" Stiles spoke.
"Theo Raeken?" Scott asked.
"The one and only." I answered.
"Oh my god your back!" Scott called and hugged me. Stiles just gave a a glance. It was almost like he was judging me.
"It's been forever man!" I said into his shoulder.
"It's great to have you back! Come one let's go to class." Scott said and guided me away from stiles. I turned back to see him staring daggers into me.
"Stiles still doesn't like me." I said.
"What no! He is just...cautious"
"Why?" I asked.
"His boyfriend Derek has trust issues and I think it rubbed off on him."
"Boyfriend?" I asked almost silently.
"Yeah stiles is bisexual." Scott said. I felt a ping of jealousy rush through my body. I haven't seen stiles in years and I am still attracted to him.


1027 words

Theo Raeken returns

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