21 - Group chat

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@fatherkels added @madisonbeer to Squaad🔥💯❤️

Stassie: 🐍🐍🐍

Kelsey: Stass be nice, Madison is my friend now.

Stassie: Ok🙄

Madison: I want to apologize to you all. I was so wrong about y'all

Sahar: It's ok Madison, this happen' to all of us😉

Johnson: I'm sorry too Mad😬

Madison: It's good Jack, i was like bitch.

Stassie: Ok, it's all fine, now what happen' between you and Jack?

Madison: So he said bad things about me and he didn't have any reason, so I went out with my friends and Jack said "i know you cheated on me". But it's not true. And after this he kicked me out.

Sammy: G is weird now.

Johnson: Sammy is right. But we should give him some time.

Kelsey: I agree.

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