30 - Group chat

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True💯(Stass, Kyl, Sahar, Gilinsky, Johnson)

Johnson: What is this?

Stass: So because we never trust Madison, we did this group and we want to hear the story from his view.

Gilinky: Okey. So Madison started saying that she is bored of ours relationship and one day I went home and I found her with one guy in our bed. So we broke up and she wrote to Kels and she said false to her+she said to Hailey that she should post her photo from my phone.

Kyl: I knew it!

Johnson: That bitch.

Sahar: Kelsey will never believe to us.

Stass: Her problem.

Johnson: Who was the one she cheated with?

Gilinsky: Cameron.

Kyl: Wait Cameron Dallas?

Gilinsky: Yes.

Johnson: Well I have one picture for you guys.

Johnson: Well I have one picture for you guys

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Sahar: Madison and Dallas?

Johnson: Yes, so we have proof.

Gilinsky: Oh yeah💪 btw when was this?

Johnson: I think month ago, when you still was with Madison.

Kyl: That bitch.

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