32 - Group chat

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Proof (Kelsey, Sahar, Kylie, Johnson, Stass)

Kels: So what's going on?

Stass: We just want you to know the truth.

Kels: About?

Johnson: About Madison.

Kels: What?

Sahar: Just listen.

Gilinsky: Okey so she told you her "version" of the story and now I will tell you my real version.

Kels: Okey.

Gilinsky: So she really cheated on me. I know you don't believe me, but Johnson has photo of Madison and Cameron(that one she cheated with). And I really don't know why she told you too many lies, but you can't trust her anymore.


Kels: So she lied to me?

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Kels: So she lied to me?

Kyl: Yes.

Kels: Wait a second.

Kels: I'm so sorry guys

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Kels: I'm so sorry guys. And thank you for the truth😒

Stass: It's okey Kels and I'm sorry too.

Gilinsky: I'm glad you know the truth rn😉

Johnson: So #keldisonisoverparty?

Kyl: Johnson😂😂👌

By the way guys, thank you for 1K reads here❤️

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