Khalid ibn Al walidi

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Hey guys. I hope you guys are having a great time. Someone ask me if I can add one chapter of Khalid bin walidi  biography, so I said why not your wishes are my command. Let us get started.

Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī (Arabic: أبو سليمان خالد بن الوليد بن المغيرة المخزومي‎‎‎; 585–642), also known as Sayf Allāh al-Maslūl (Arabic: سيف الله المسلول‎‎; Drawn Sword of God), was a companion of Muhammad. He is noted for his military tactics and prowess, commanding the forces of Medina under Muhammad and the forces of his immediate successors of the Rashidun Caliphate, Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Khattab.  It was under his military leadership that Arabia, for the first time in history, was united under a single political entity, the Caliphate. Commanding the forces of the nascent Islamic state, Khalid was victorious in over a hundred battles, against the forces of the Byzantine-Roman Empire, Sassanid-Persian Empire, and their allies, in addition to other Arab tribes. His strategic achievements include the conquest of Arabia during the Ridda Wars, Persian Mesopotamia and Roman Syria within several years from 632 to 636. He is also remembered for his decisive victories at Yamamah, Ullais, and Firaz, and his tactical successes at Walaja and Yarmouk.

Khalid ibn al-Walid (Khalid son of al-Walid) was from the Meccan tribe of Quraysh, from a clan that initially opposed Muhammad. He played a vital role in the Meccan victory at the Battle of Uhud against the Muslims. He converted to Islam, and joined Muhammad after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and participated in various expeditions for him, such as the Battle of Mu'tah, which was the first battle between the Romans and the Muslims. Khalid ibn Al-Walid reported that the fighting was so intense, that while fighting, he broke nine swords in the battle. This earned him the title ‘Saif-ullah' meaning "The Sword Of Allah". Khalid took over after Zayd ibn Haritha, then Jafar ibn Abi Talib, then Abdullah ibn Rawahah were killed. After Muhammad's death, he played a key role in commanding Medinan forces for Abu Bakr in the Ridda wars, conquering central Arabia and subduing Arab tribes. He captured the Sassanid Arab client Kingdom of Al-Hirah, and defeated the Sassanid Persian forces during his conquest of Iraq (Mesopotamia). He was later transferred to the western front to capture Roman Syria and the Byzantine Arab client state of the Ghassanids.

Although Umar later relieved him of high command, he nevertheless remained the effective leader of the forces arrayed against the Byzantines during the early stages of the Byzantine–Arab Wars.  Under his command, Damascus was captured in 634 and the key Arab victory against the Byzantine forces was achieved at the Battle of Yarmouk (636),[1]which led to the conquest of the Bilad al-Sham (Levant). In 638, at the zenith of his career, he was dismissed from military services.

Khalid is said to have fought around a hundred battles, both major battles and minor skirmishes as well as single duels, during his military career. Having remained undefeated, he is claimed by some to be one of the finest military generals in history

Khalid was once ask a question  by Roman general.  The general says "is it true that your prophet received a sword from God and give it to you"? Khalid said no. He asks so why the people called the sword of Allah? He said it's a title that I was given by the prophet saw. He asks "what if somebody becomes a Muslim what are there status among you"?.  Khalid said you become one of us equal to us. So the general said "there is no levels for the people among you every is has the same rights, and if someone becomes late comer than he is the some as the ones before him"?. Khalid said and you become better. He said how? Khalid said we have seen the miracles of the prophet, but you didn't see it, so if you become Muslim without seeing the prophet miracles you become better than us because we believe after we saw the miracles but you believe without seeing them. He asks what a person have to do to become a Muslim?. He told and he Muslim and fight his army and he died as a  shaheed. 

The reason that Umar ibn Khattab, relive Khalid from command of the army was. The people started thinking highly and mighty of him because the guy doesn't lost battle, so  show the people that victory is from allah, so  he relieved Khalid. Khalid said what bush  Umar to relieve me from command was just a Wisdom. He didn't live the Battle ground. he didn't through the  tables.  That was Khalid. When he was on his death bed he said, how come I didn't died in battle ground. He said there is known place in my body that I didn't have scars. One of people explain why he didn't died in battle ground. He said  you are the sword of Allah and isn't befitting for the sword of Allah to be broken down by a non Muslim. Khalid said before he died " may the eyes of the  cowards never sleep". These where the last words of Khalid bin walidi  ra.  Remember that Khalid is the man who broke 10 sword in the battle of mu'tah. It was his first battle as a Muslim and the Battle that he get the tittle of the sword of Allah

Hey guys I hope you enjoy I know I didn't  say that much about him but I try my best, because I hade my tooth pulled out, I was not feeling great. Don't forget to

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