Chapter 2

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I felt like writing this so here you are ;) 



John hummed an un-identified tune as he was putting away books on the top shelf. John, being short, had to always use the ladder for what seemed like everything.

It would be nice to have somebody help me out around here. John thought.

The bell that was attached to the top of the door frame.

John slowly climbed down the ladder, rolling it away.

"Welcome! How can I help you toda-" he turned around to see the same man, Sherlock, standing at the counter. 

"Ah- Hello Mr. Holmes." John smiled as he walked behind the counter.

"Sherlock." he retorted in a silent tone.

"Oh- sorry. Sherlock then- what kinda book can I getcha?" John asked, smiling.

"Your smile's genuine." he commented.

"Why yes- it is." 

"You really do enjoy your work, don't you? Although it certainly isn't as good as the Army."

"Yes, you're right there. Although the stuff may not have been exactly uhm..." John cleared his throat searching for the right words. "Well, you know. But yeah. I enjoy helping people and I find it somewhat satisfacting knowing I could help someone." 

Sherlock stay silent, looking at John.

"So. How'd you like that book?" John asked, giving off another smile.

He really must stop smiling, It is very infectious. Sherlock thought.

John noticed Sherlock attempting to hold back a smile. 

"It was dull and boring. Nothing I already didn't know...

"But it did slightly help with some new ideas for the thumbs I have in my fri-"

"THUMBS?" John asked, smile vanishing into concern.

Did he murder someone and take the thumbs?

"No- I am not a murderer. The girl at the Morgue- Molly- gave them to me." Sherlock said, rolling his eyes at such an idea. Him. A murderer.

"Oooooh... So you and Molly-" John said smirking.

For the second time, John had caused Sherlock to do something he had never done before.

He froze and blushed.

Wait, many people have asked this of Molly and I- why is it now that I am reacting this way? Sherlock asked himself. He put the thought somewhere else, but he knew it would most likely pop on back.

"N-no... we aren't... I wouldn't..." Sherlock stammered. Sherlock definitely didn't seem to be the person to stammer.

"Mhmmmm... Whatever you say~!" John said in a sing-song tone. "So, what book wouldja like?"

"Well I was hoping you could... recommend me one?" 

John looked at him and blinked, then quirked his eyebrow and smiled.

"Alright then. Follow me." 


I hope you enjoyed that okay chapter! It wasn't very long sorry. I took a turn and was like "oh shit i forgot to do the thing i wanted to" but then I was like "nah next chapter" so this one is filler, with a little pick up of Sherlocks feelings for the little Book Kepper. *WINK WINK HINT HINT CAUGH CAUGH*

Seeya tomorrow!

Love TUF

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