Chapter 4

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Ho-ho-hooooly shit it's an update [mind explodes]

I just felt bad not updating the actual story in foreeeeeever

My problem is I lose inspiration too fast like holy shiz whizz I'm sorry it's my stupid personality

[whispers crossing eyes looking up at forhead] god dammit personality

Thank you so much for 100 views! It means so much to me [smiles warmly]

Anywhore, let's get this showpony on the rode!

-that's not a real saying TUF

~shut the hell up it is now


John hummed to a tuneless song as he placed books under his chin, carrying them to various isles.

It had been- whew- what, three weeks?

Yeah, three weeks seemed about right... It had been three weeks since that Sherlock fellow was here and bought the little blue notebook.

John smiled. Then sighed.

He inserted a kids book into the little wooden shelf in the kids section. The kids section was great, actually.

It had swirled carpet with various colors, a couple little wooden tables, wooden shelves surrounding the area in a circle (it took up the end of the store) and ended to the entrance, trees made of paper so you could see the words handing over it, as books dangled overhead from the branches that spread through the whole section tucked in the ceiling panels.

He placed his last book in the shelf opposite and walked back up to the counter and tapped his finger as if waiting for something.


John whipped his head up smiling a toothy grin he always did to his customers.

"Ah! If it isn't Ms. Molly Hooper." John smiled.

"Oh, hello John! How are you?" Molly asked, walking over to the counter.

"I'm fine. You?" He countered.

"Good, good.. Yeah. Well, do you happen to have any books on... Ehm, pet care?"

"Yes! Of course. Any pet in specific?"


"Alright, cool! Follow me."

~one bird book later~

"Bye John! I'll see you at the pub next weekend, yeah?" Molly asked, standing by the door it half open.

"Yeah, yeah! Have a good day, Molly." John smiled.

"You too!"

And with that, Molly stepped out of the shop, leaving the man alone yet again.


Half assed it with half a heart to go.

Alright, this was basically a filler chapter with a plot started. Whale, a very big plot starter.

Tune in next time for pub fun and surprisingly it's not actually going to be at the Book Store!

Alright. It's 1:27 and I have school tomorrow. Tired as fuck.




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