Chapter 5

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wow shit i feel productive

okay. so thank my period that i'm updating. I actually don't feel productive, which is why I'm sitting on my bed moping because I'm in pain.

I decided to take out my laptop and write, so here I am!

This has become a complex story. It may not seem like it, but it honestly is. I spend a lot of time thinking about this story (beleive it or not) and I think I know where I want it to go [whispers] finally

so, with no further interruptions (well, go get some chocolate. That's what I'm doing.) here you are with another chapter of my most popluar story; The Book Keeper!

(P.S, I'm thinking once this is done I'll keep updating my other Parentlock story The States, then start a teenlock called John the Translater. You get the first chapter dedicated to you if you know what the title's from!)


John finished putting on his clothing for tonight.

He was about to go to a pub with his friend Molly who worked at a morgue. He thought it was a rather- well- interesting job. But he always found it quite... well, he didn't know. Wanting to be a doctor did things to you. So did war, for that fact.

He opened the door from where he stay in a small apartment. It felt small, and lonely. He owned a small little flat above the book store where he work. He was the only one whom ever worked there.

He didn't mind. He did seem to own the place. The owner was never around and always left John to make the decisions. He never employed anyone else, though. He liked it to be alone so he had nobody to fight with over stupid things.

Although, being lonely got lonely.

He jogged down the stairs and out the double glass door, locking it. Molly waited outside. 

She wore skinny jeans and a long-sleeved sweater that had multiple colors. Her hairline was parted and she wore red glossy lipstick, her hair down this time 'round.

"Okay, ready?" John asked his friend, smiling.

"Yep!" Molly responded, smiling. They began to walk side by side down the street, enjoying the spring breeze and star littered sky.

"We sure are lucky to get a night like this. Not a cloud near." John said, sighing happily. He look up at the sky, astounded by it. Since the galaxy was a forever, he always beleived when you loved someone, truly loved someone, they were the galaxy. It resembled the two's love.


But of course, some infinites are bigger than other infinites.

And he wished... He had more infinites, to pull himself up. Attach the strings and find someone. Love someone. Truly, love someone.

But, of course he never found someone.

Nobody he ever truly loved. Who he wanted to be his galaxy, and he be theirs.

"So, remember. The guy I like will be there, and I want to make an impression." Molly said.

"Who is he? You never told me his name."

"Well, you'll meet him tonight. This party- it will be perfect. Just- I need to play it cool."

John smirked. "So was this all a casual way of going on a date with him?

"Wha- well, yes. I just thought if more people were there, it wouldn't be so awkward. Plus, all my attempts at asking him out have failed. He either thinks it's formal and asks a friend along or turns it into a case. Or he's just plain ignorant."

John laughed breathely. "He sounds like a douche."

"No. He sounds gorgeous. His voice- god, his voice. It's so deep I just. He's gorgeous."


And John had to agree. His voice was gorgeous. 

it was indeed, very, very deep. It was like silk, almost. Like- you could reach out and grab it and it would be the softest shit you ever touched, ever.

He had heard the man when him and Molly were outside the pub. He was speaking very ludly and Molly had whisper screamed; "It's him!"

But when the two got inside, John was surprised to see who the silky voice belonged to.

Well, surprised is putting it gently.



Wow- I only cussed twice...

I think this is the longest update I've made. Daaaayum.

Anywhore, I think you all know who it is.


This is a light fic. I'm saving all the drama for John the Translater (and kinda The States.)

Did you see my reference? Did it shatter your heart? (lol i hope it did)




The Book Keeper ~ BookStore AU ~ JohnlockWhere stories live. Discover now