이사 (Moving On)

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'I should apologise omg, I should apologise right now' Sulyeon mentally scolded herself when she had spotted Taemin on the same bus as her. She just didn't have the guts for it. It felt like ages until they finally reached the school grounds, and he hadn't caught a single glimpse of her ever since. 'Sulyeon?' She suddenly heard someone call, and her eyes flew open when she saw Hani wave at her from the front gate. She quickly hid behind the small wall that separated the road and the school before taking deep breaths. 'You okay?' Hani asked when peeking behind the wall where the girl was hiding, Sulyeon nodded. 'I was just... taking a break' she sighed. Hani gave her a confused look before pulling her by the arm. 'What the hell happened to you?' Pointing at the girl's wrapped foot.  'Accident' Sulyeon laughed nervously before being dragged over the front yard inside the school building. They where about to walk up the stairs when another person called out to Sulyeon, both girls turning their heads in sync. Sulyeon heaved a sigh of relieve when she saw it was Hoseok smiling back at her. 'Hey, morning' he winked at her with a cheeky grin. Not having any effect on her, yet Hani tightening the hold around Sulyeon's arm. 'And who might this be?' Turning to her friend. Hani gave him a curt bow, silently pleading for Sulyeon to introduce each other. 'Hani, this is Hoseok, Hoseok, Hani' and as always, Hoseok couldn't contain his smile.She melted. 'Where's your friend?' Sulyeon asked when she didn't see the black mop of hair, and he raised his eyebrows, not sure who she was revering to. 'Oh! Yoongi? I believe he's with the others' he explained, looking around him in search of his friends.Instead, they found him when one of them blocked his view with their hands. 'Yah!' Hoseok whined, a group of laughter emerging from behind him. 'And he's still not finished hitting on her' Yoongi commented when his eyes laid on the two girls. 'Morning to you too?' Hoseok sulked. 'Don't worry hyung, they're just jealous' one of the boys said, and they all started laughing again. 'Yah, Jimin!' Another squeaked, glancing a few times at Sulyeon in embarrassment. She hadn't noticed. Hoseok gave Sulyeon an apologetic smile before pushing his friends away from the crowd they had created. 'So they're really your friends?' Hani asked, calling the other from her reverie when watching them walk away. Sulyeon laughed weakly. 'Well I can't really say they're all my friends, but Hoseok is a cool guy' she acknowledged, seeing how Hani furiously nodded in agreement.  'Do you like one of them?' Sulyeon suddenly blurted out and that caught her of guard as she watched back at her with wide eyes. 'W-What?' No!' her cheeks turning in a shade of red. Sulyeon laughed again. 'Don't laugh!' She whined. 'Your face was just cute' Sulyeon said after she had calmed down, small tears in her eyes from laughing.  'Meanie' she sulked with a pout.     The time passed in the blink of an eye, and before she knew, it was already lunch time, trying as fast as possible to stumble down the stairs. Sadly her ankle told her otherwise. Once again, her face contorting into pain when she felt her foot sting, almost falling of the stairs if it wasn't for the railing she was holding.'Move' a chubby girl snarled who tried to pass through the crowded stairs like many others. Bumping into Sulyeon who held the railing for her dear life.Some people where just really eager to get their favourite lunch. She heaved a sigh before continuing her way downstairs, meeting the eyes of her one and only friend who had been waiting for her.Sulyeon smiled back at her.'Did you wait long?' She asked Hani once she reached beside her. Hani shook her head.'Don't worry, you're forgiven this time' and they both laughed.Sulyeon eyes immediately laid on the table where Taemin had been sitting yesterday, and of course he was, with a few of his friends she didn't know. 'Who is that?' Hani called her out of her daze. Sulyeon's mouth forming a curt 'Oh'.'I don't really know him' she retorted with honest.'I'm just...' trailing off again. Hani noticed her lost gaze again, ignoring the subject for now before nudging her to follow in the line. Sulyeon somehow felt relieve wash over her when she noticed what Hani was doing, smiling at the back of her head, taking another step further in the line.'What ya gonna get?' Hani asked cutely, both their eyes falling on all the displayed dishes which looked, oh so tempting.'I think I'm going for the Club Sandwich' Hani decided, pointing towards a thick sandwich with all kinds of good stuff making it look even more appealing and probably delicious as well. Her mouth watering at the sight.But she had to think about her weight...'I'm not sure yet''Alright, well, be quick, it's almost our turn!' She chirped, skipping a few steps forward again.'Such a kid' she heard voices mumble from behind her, turning her head to two girls who pretended to be in their own conversation.'What would you like mis?' She heard someone ask and she immediately turned back to the woman behind the cash register, watching her with a smile.'What would you like?' She repeated again. Sulyeon slightly panicked before she was pushed out of the line with an invisible push.'She doesn't need anything' one of the girls replied before giving the woman her own order, but she just looked annoyed at the childish action which looked all too obvious.'Do you really not want anything?' The woman asked Sulyeon once again, wanting a confirmation from the girl herself.Sulyeon laughed nervously, cheeks glowing a light shade of pink.'Yeah unnie, it turns out I forgot my wallet' she lied before walking after her friend who had gone ahead of her, sitting at the table. The huge sandwich was already halfway gone when Sulyeon sat at the seat in front of her, laughing hysterically when she noticed Hani's mouth was all covered in mayonnaise.'You really love to eat don't you?' Hani pouted.'What's wrong with loving to eat?' defending herself, but Sulyeon only laughed louder, pinching the other girl her cheeks. 'So cut-'Can I pinch her cheeks too?' A voice suddenly interrupted them, Hani jumping from her seat.'You two looked like girlfriend and girlfriend' Yoongi followed and Hoseok laughed. Hani's face burning red, and that wasn't because of Yoongi's comment.'I'm jealous' Hoseok suddenly admitted, leaving a short silence in the air.'Awww, you want to cuddle and be touchy with me too Hobi-ahh?' Yoongi spoke in a cutesy voice, both girls laughing as Hoseok's face turned into amused disgust.'Pervert' was his only comeback while Yoongi just shrugged.'There goes your chance' 'Heeeeey Hobi, and jjang jjang man bboongbboong' he added cutesy and winking at Yoongi who rolled his eyes.'Do you always need to say that Jimin?' His voice dead serious, causing Jimin to snicker.'Yah, jjang jjang man bboongbboong?' He stuttered under ragged breaths filled with laughter, and that took all for Yoongi to shot up from his seat to chase behind ''Chim Chim''.'You fucking bastard' where his last words before they all watched them, like a Tom and Jerry, run out the cafeteria. 'Sooooooo, who was that just know?' Hani asked after a short silence had taken over.'I want to know the reason behind jjang jjang man~' she chided.'That was Yoongi sitting at the table just now, chasing Jimin.' Hoseok explained.'They love each other, and everybody knows it, except for them self' he added, and it almost seemed as if he was joking the way he smiled. But his voice was pierced with seriousness. Hani just nodded in understanding.'Yeah they're cute' the guy on the far left of the table said. He was one of the taller guys, and his blond hair making him stand out with deep brown eyes hiding under his locks. Same for the guy beside him, with the brown hair, who had been taking glances at Sulyeon from time to time which only Hani had noticed.'I'm Taehyung' the blondie introduced.'And this guy here is Jungkook' he added, patting the said persons shoulder who curtly smiled both girls their way. 'I'm Hani' waving curtly. 'Nice to meet you!' Showing them her signature smile.'And I'm Sulyeon''Well you already know me' Hoseok grinned, pointing at his broad smile.'Hobiiiiii!' He cheered, smiling brighter than the sun. It seemed he was really good at doing that. 'Do any of you have anything to do today?' He suddenly asked, catching everyone's attention who was sitting around the table. It didn't take long until Jimin and Yoongi joined them beside the table, both out of breath.'I don't' Jimin to be the first to respond. Yoongi nodded his head as well.'I don't either' he added. 'Why?''There is somewhere I want to go' winking towards Jungkook who gave him a confused look in return.What was he planning to do?'What about you two?' 'Care to join?' This time directing towards the two girls. Hani looked up in disappointment.'My mom won't let me' she whined, and Hoseok awed.'What about Sul?' Surprising her a bit with her new nickname. 'I don't think so'Jungkook cheered inwardly, so did Hoseok, but aloud.'Alright!' His smile bright.'We're just going to a clubhouse, but rest assured, nothing weird will happen, incase you're worried' he joked. Sulyeon laughed lightly.'You sure you can't come Hani?' Hoseok asked her once again, and she bit her lip, suggesting if she should just sacrifice herself for once, but the thought immediately left her head.'I really can't, I'm sorry' her face filled with disappointment.'I would've loved to join though' she added, Hoseok nodded.'Next time!' He reassured her.'Well go there after school, so if you really want to come, join us at the bus station and we'll see if you tag or not'.'Thanks' she smiled genuinely, and he returned it gradually.'Hey don't flirt in front of me' Yoongi snorted, and Jimin started laughing again.'You jealous hyungie' irking the man to chase him again.'You really want me to kill you, don't you' he suddenly threatened, catching the other by surprise with his serious tone.'What? are you saying?' He laughed nervously, and at that moment, Yoongi jumped on the boy, his weight holding him down.'Yah! Get off of me!' The boy protested, Yoongi smirking with a proud feeling of dominance.'Say you're sorry and I'll consider getting off' he spoke cockily, with an ounce of victory laced in his voice. Jimin whined.'Let go, your hurting me' he whined again, but Yoongi didn't buy it.Only when he looked up at his friends who watched them with amused eyes, did he let go, dusting off his shirt which never really gotten dirty.Jimin sat up with a red face, short breaths leaving his lips and disheveled hair. If someone hadn't seen the scene, they'd think both guys would've probably done something that shouldn't be exposed to the outer world. They looked that much out of breath. Hoseok just snorted out a laughter, with Taehyung following at their showcase. Little did they know what they harboured for each other. 'So annoying' Jungkook commented through a deep sigh before standing up to leave.'Hey wait, kookie! Are you coming or not?' He called after him, but only to be met with the rummaged voices filling the cafeteria. 'He said he'll come' Taehyung answered his question for him and Hoseok heaved a sigh.'He wouldn't miss to hang out with his hyungs for life' he added, making Jimin smile at the thought. 'He really is weird' and Yoongi nodded.The bell rung, and before Sulyeon could blink an eye, everyone had already fled out of the cafeteria to go to their next class, waving each other goodbyes. Hani also bid goodbye to Sulyeon before leaving her injured friend sit beside the table with only Taehyung left who was still taking slow zips of his strawberry milk.'Don't you have class?' She asked him once their eyes met, he nodded.'I do, but milk is more important' he explained with pretty much no emotion in his eyes, dead serious. Sulyeon laughed before she stood up slowly, holding herself up by the table, he watching her every move.'Is something wrong?' He asked with the straw between his teeth, looking at her with curious eyes.But she shook her head.'Nah, this is just me being clumsy' she tried to laugh it off nervously, but her ankle really didn't like her.Why did it feel so heavy? And blocked?She took a few hesitant steps, grabbing anything for support on her path, feeling Taehyung watch her every move.It felt suffocating. Luckily she reached the double door, looking once more behind her to see that Taehyung had opened a second package of milk, she chuckled. 'Hoseok, your friends are funny' she mumbled in herself, before heading her way towards her next class. Where she luckily got just in time. 'Please, sit' the teacher had asked her nicely, even pushing the chair slightly back so Sulyeon could sit properly without needing to struggle. 'Since this is your first Korean class, and only your second day, I'd like for everyone who sits on an uneven numbered desk, to write down their names on the little paper I will hand out' she explained once the class had quieted down.'I'll explain what we'll be doing after' 5 minutes remained, before she put all the small papers inside the hat she had placed on her desk, turning towards her students with a bright smile. 'Okay, to those who didn't write their name, come and pick a piece' the woman explained, walking towards the front where Sulyeon sat, asking her to pick the first one.'Come on, open it' she urged her with a smile, and so, she did. Her face freezing at the spot.'Taemin!' The woman chirped through the classroom, said male looking up with a surprise.Well that was unexpected, and Sulyeon sure wasn't ready for the encounter yet. Taemin quietly took the seat beside her, giving her a few glances which she gradually ignored with her ears burning red, hiding under her long black hair. 'The assignment won't be too much trouble' the teacher started after everyone had found their partner. 'You just have to ask the other questions about who they are, and all fun things to know besides their name' Sulyeon's face losing even more color.'So, I'm Lee Taemin' the man started, and not even surprised when Sulyeon didn't even want to take even a single glance his direction. 'Why are you ignoring me? I didn't do anything wrong right?' He asked, straight to the point.Sulyeon squirmed in her seat. He was right after all, she doesn't remember him doing anything wrong, taking a deep breath before turning to the guy her mom all but pleaded not to even exchange a word with. 'My mom asked me not to talk to you' she explained with a forced smile, but it needed to be said anyway.Taemin looked back at her, platonically.As if he knew it was coming.'I know' a small tint of disappointment in his eyes. 'But do you really need to have permission from your parents to talk to someone?'And Sulyeon didn't know how to respond.She knew her mother must have good reasons to even respond like she did yesterday. She wasn't going to get herself fooled.'Well I don't even know you, didn't your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?' his features dropped into disappointment, tugging at her chest by the sight.What the hell? She asked herself when feeling a dull pain in her chest.'Right' was his response.'But there's no escaping from this assignment, Sulyeon' he reasoned, taking a blank paper from under the desk before writing her name on it.'So your favourite animal is a penguin' he wrote, Sulyeon's mouth ghaped.'You like the colour dark-green''Oh and, you have an older brother' he smiled, writing it all down.Sulyeon just felt creeped out.'Have you been stalking me my whole life?' She deadpanned, but he nodded with a dead serious expression glued on his face.'Hmm, you're favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry''No way, mango' she corrected him.'Oh, so it's changed' she rolled her ice. (huhu I mean whut, eyes~)'So, are you trying to impress me or creep me out?' She asked him once again, pausing his writing to look at her.'Who knows' he answered, leaving the girl only confused and uncomfortable in her seat. 'Now your turn, what do you know about me?' He followed, her surprised eyes looking back at his lazy ones.'You're a dancer?' She tried, he smiled from ear to ear.'See, you do remember' he grinned, Sulyeon tilted her head.'You do know that's practically where I met you' she laughed weakly. His eyes drowning in disappointment.'Do you really not remember me?' she shook her head. What was he even talking about? 'Alright, now change your seats with your neighbour. Only the people that didn't write their names. The ones who did, stay on your seat'. Right when Sulyeon was about to stand up, she was paused by Taemin.'I'll move, so you just pretend you wrote your name alright?' Not waiting for her answer before taking the seat at the table beside them. She felt relieved, but another feeling was gnawing at her chest that she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Was it guilt?How come he knew al those personal things when she was 100% sure she never met him before. Was he friends with Jaejoong? That must've been it...With an uneasy feeling Sulyeon walked out of the classroom, one question clouding in her mind. Why did Taemin know her so well, while she didn't even know his name until yesterday.And she knew, Taemin wasn't a stranger to her mother either. Maybe he was the son of one of her mother's best friends, who she ended up losing contact with because of some conflict. So she started to hate her son too?That must probably be it. Reassuring her uneasy feeling while on her way to her last class of the day.Music Theory.A subject Sulyeon wasn't as smart in as she hoped.The assigned room was a huge college hall, hundreds of desks surrounding and pointing towards the middle. It looked like the room of a orchestra where all the different instruments where grouped, reading the signs of the conductor who was standing in the middle.'Are you going to take a seat?' A girl around the same height asked, waiting behind Sulyeon to take one as well. 'Oh sorry!' She apologised, taking a step aside to let her in. At that moment she realised, the girl, was Taeyeon. The 'Captain' of the vocal group. 'Oh, your the captain of the vocal group right?' Sulyeon hurriedly asked, surprising herself by her sudden attack.Taeyeon giggled before nodding.'That's right' giving her an eye smile.'That's awesome, I can't wait to hear your voice' Taeyeon smiled again.'What group are you in?' She asked, Sulyeon frowned.'I'm suppose to be in vocal as well, but there's been a mistake so I'm in dance' she retorted, Taeyeon surprised.'Oh that doesn't sound too good, when do you think you'll join us?' Sulyeon frowned again.'I have no idea, but Professor Jung said he was working on it' Taeyeon nodding in understanding.'Hmm, maybe you can join us at the practice?' She offers, Sulyeon's eyes shining at her words.'You really think I can do that?' excitement filling her voice.'Of course! We have practice on Mondays and Fridays' she informed, taking out her phone from her pocket.'I'll need your number though' and Sulyeon didn't remember when she felt as relieved as she did now. They exchanged phone numbers, and it didn't take long for others to join the room as well, taking a seat and waiting for the lecture to start.The subject wasn't easy, just like she thought. She could already hear her brother tease her the way he always did. Making fun of her.'Even an elephant would string their nose hair better than you do with a guitar' she could hear him bark out in laughter like the back of her head.'Damn Jaejoong' she muttered.'Anything to say?' The teacher interrupted her thoughts. She immediately looked up at the old man who was explaining the conceptual way of making music.Sulyeon shook her head furiously. The man didn't seem like anyone who'd take it easy when finding out one of his students didn't pay attention to a story that he'd spend hours on preparing the night before. This was going to be a long hour and she wasn't surprised when she was all drained when she left the class room, her ankle all stiff from sitting too long. Sulyeon's eyes laid on Hani who just had left her classroom as well, looking back at her with a sad expression when her eyes laid on her skipping motion.'You okay?' She asked once reaching beside Sulyeon. She nodded her head lightly which Hani took as a hint of denial.'Let's get you to the bus' she decided, not waiting for an answer when helping her towards the exit of the building. Right when they where about to walk down the small stairs connecting the schoolyard and the front of the school, someone caught Sulyeon's figure right before she was about to stumble down. Catching her by surprise.Her eyes broad when seeing Taemin beside her, holding her balance.'You're really clumsy' was all he said before not even waving goodbye as he fled. Hani was just as confused as Sul was.'You're really not going to tell me what that was?' Hani asked curiously, but Sulyeon shook her head.'I don't even know myself' a glint of disappointment in her voice.Right when they passed behind the fence surrounding the whole school, their eyes immediately laid on the group of boys laughing at another of Taehyung's joke.'Hoseok-ahh!' Hani called from the other side of the road, instead, another guy looked their way and immediately sprinting beside Sulyeon's side to take over.'Uhm Thanks?...' 'Jungkook' he introduced himself this time, with a boy-ish smile on his face.'A-Ah' was all she could muster as he practically kidnapped her to the other side of the road, not even able to say goodbye to Hani who just waved her goodbye with a smile. Gesturing something with her hands once she was turned towards her.'What?' She retorted with her hands.'H--ve f-n' she mouthed. Sulyeon raised her eyebrows.'Have fun' she repeated, Sulyeon hastily waved her hands in denial but she just laughed it off before waving her goodbye.'Such a tease' Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows, having witnessed the whole scene.Sulyeon rolled her eyes, Yoongi giving her a gummy smile.'Suuuuuul, you're here!' Hoseok chided, causing Yoongi to laugh even louder.'She's been here for at least a minute now' Jungkook explained, a tint of annoyance in his voice, but Hoseok just ignored it.'How's your foot?'Jungkook wanted to face palm the ground. Was his hyung this absentminded?Sulyeon uncomfortable wiggled on her feet.'Could be better' she laughed weakly. 'The bus is here' Yoongi stated, grabbing his own bag before hopping on, taking a seat in the back and the others following suit. It took around 30 minutes until they reached the end of the line, and asked to leave the bus.Once Sulyeon stepped outside, she wasn't sure whether they where still in Seoul or not, meeting the fresh air of the woods.'It's not a long walk, no worries' Hoseok explained before leading the way towards a thin path.Jungkook noticed the uncomfortable expression drawn on the girl's face, thinking of a way to make it any less awkward.'Are you cold?' He suddenly could hear Taehyung ask from beside him, skipping a few strides forward to reach beside her. He could feel Jungkook eyes glaring in the back of his head.'Oh I'm fine' she said hesitantly, taking another stumbling step on the dry leaves, crunching under her feet. It took them only a few more steps until a rather big house, well hidden by the threes caught their eyes, a soft dim light welcoming their presence, as well as the barking of a dog.'Jin-hyung!' Jungkook called when a man with a pink sweater walked from the front door to see why the dog was barking, a small smile forming on his lips.'Kookie!' He sing-songed before taking the boy in his arms, and a dog which happily joined right after in the boy's arms. His tail wiggling from excitement of seeing his friend.'So adorable' Yoongi joked, Jimin hitting his shoulder and a pout on his lips.'Why you never call me adorable?'Sulyeon couldn't hold her laughter when Yoongi made that signature-disgusted face of his and Jimin watching with a smile, hurling his arm around the boy who just let him. They where close, something that wasn't deniable.Taehyung and Hoseok had already entered the building, with the others following suit.'Who may you be?' Jin asked once his eyes laid on the girl.'I'm Sulyeon' she introduced.'Hoseok in-' 'She's a guest of Kookie' Taehyung interrupted, Jin's eyes sparkling with understanding, giving a wink Jungkook's way.With one last glance, Jin turned back to the girl, smiling crescents her way.'Come in' he smiled broadly, closing the door behind them.-A/N ~ I should be ashamed~It's the second day and I'm already throwing my dear Sul in a harem full of boys~ please anticipate (๑>◡<๑)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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