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It was recommended by my wife to explain why I'm making this fic. Okay so let's start off with with Luke and Jade: Luke and Jade are from a book from the Trace Series called Framed (10/10 would recommend) and the albino troll and I made pretty much every sentence into something dirty and put Luke and Jade in a sexual relationship, so yeah.
Next the inspiration: I was inspired by the milk fic and the fedora fic. (both are life ruining, but again 10/10 would recommend if you want to die) and also because when I was reading the fedora fic I just went " I would totally be able to write a fic like this" and this is what came out of this and there will be even more fucked up fic on my account.
Next the whole wife and albino troll thing: Yeah I have a wife deal with it, and the albino troll thing is because one of my friend's skin is so pale she looks albino.
Also enjoy the gr8 pic up at the top.
Thx Marcus
Rawr XD

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