J-Dog X Kailey

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For my friend Kailey @Candylasie03

((Song is Sing)) <--- haha 😂

there will be smut because Kailey hates me...... so i shall only do half of a smut


Kaileys Pov

'Kailey are you ready?' My best friend, Alexe asked, exasperated.

'Hold on!' I said, running a hair straightener through my dark brown hair. I finished and turned the straightener off. I stepped out of the bathroom and see Alexe standing directly three inches from the door. I jump back and Alexe giggles.

'Haha!' He laughs and I groan.

'Alexe I will kill you after this concert,' I growled, attempting to be fierce and failing miserably. He laughs and grabs my hand, dragging me to the car. Alexe grabs Ava and sets her in her carseat. I sit down in the passenger seat and Alexe sits down in the driver's side. We pull out of the driveway and start on our way to the concert.

btw Ava is three in this part and she calls Kailey 'Kewi'

'Alright you ready to see J?' He asks and I blush. Alexe knows I have a crush on J-Dog, or Jorel Decker . He can't say anything because he's actually married to Johnny and they have an adopted child, Ava.

I have met the whole band, at Alexe and Johnny's wedding. It was fun and me and J talked the whole time, when I wasn't being a bridesmaid. Oh, and if you want to know, Alexe was the bride, in a dress and everything. I've never been to a concert though. Alexe has though, he was their photographer for a while so he got to go free.

'Shut up Alexe...' I whisper and he laughs, 'you can't say anything. Your married to Johnny.'

Alexe laughs and nods, 'yeah,' He says dreamily and I smile.

'Hey Aunt Kewi do you like Uncle J?' Ava asks from the back seat and I blush.

'Yeah Ava, I like Uncle J,' I murmer and she smiles happily.

'Does that mean that you are gonna marry him?' She asks and I blush even more.

'I.... I don't know Ava...' I say and Alexe puts a hand on my knee.

'I know he loves you Kailey. Me and George were talking last night on Skype and J came in and asked me to tell you. I forgot until now,' Alexe says and I glanced over at him.

'.... what?' I ask simply and he simply smiles.

'Nevermind,' Alexe says wistfully and I raise an eyebrow at him.

'.... right. Anyways, is Ava gonna be in the show or with me in the back?'

'She'll probably be watched by the new stage manager.. umm... I forgot his name....' Alexe responds and I nod.

'Okay,' I murmer and look out the window. We drive up to a huge bus and Alexe turns off the car. I step out and assist Ava to get out of her car seat.

'Thank you Aunt Kewi!' Ava cheers and hugs my leg. I smile and look up at Alexe. Alexe grins and takes Avas hand.

'Lets go see daddy!' Ava shouts and Alexe picks her up.

'Yup were gonna go see daddy!' Alexe responds happily and I follow the two towards the bus door.

Johnny opens the door just as we get there and throws his arms open for Alexe and Ava. Alexe practically jumps into his arms with Ava still on his hip.

'All right girls. Stop hugging. Save the rest of us some!' I hear J's voice and I blush. The rest of the band steps off the bus and surrounds Alexe. I stand awkwardly a few feet away, watching, when I notice that J has disappeared.

Arms swoop around my waist and I'm lifted up. I scream and hear J's evil laughter.

'JOREL DECKER PUT ME DOWN!' I yell and he only laughs.

'Yeah J, put her down,' Dylan says in a joking tone.

'ALEXE GET HIM TO PUT ME DOWN!' I yell and he laughs.

J puts me down and kisses my cheek. I blush red and turn away.

'Hey Kailey you seem a bit red,' Alexe teased and I lightly hit him on the arm.

'Shut up...' I murmer and he laughs.

'Never!' He shouts as everyone walks onto the bus. Johnny sits down on the couch and Alexe flops down on his lap. I sit down next to them and Jorel sits down next to me. He pokes my cheek and I pout. J laughs and pokes my stomach, then my knee, then back up to my stomach.

'No,' I pout and J laughs even more.

'Yes,' He responds and J pokes my stomach.


'Yep,' He pokes me again.


'Always,' and again.


'Yeess!' and again, but this time, he pokes my knee.

'Girls stop fighting!' Danny teases and we both glare at him. Danny raises his hand in surrender and I giggle.

'I'll be back,' I say and get up.

'Alright. Um.. bathroom is in the back,' Charlie says and I nod.

I head to the bathroom, lock the door behind me, and stare into the mirror.

'Ugh!' I scream out, and slam my fist down on the counter, 'I don't believe Alexe! He could never love me!'

'Kailey? Are you okay? Who isn't going to love you?' J asks and I turn pale. I glance in the mirror to see J standing in the doorway, with a screwdriver in hand.

'O-oh hi J,' I mumble and he steps forward, kicking the door shut. I back up but he advances even more and pushes me against the counter.

'Who doesn't love you? Is it me?' He questions and I bite my lip looking down.

'So it is me....' J murmers. He grabs chin lightly and pulls my face up to meet his before pressing his lips down on mine.

'J!' I whisper/moan as he grinds his hips against mine.

He bites my lip and, playfully, I deny him. J smirked and trailed his hands down from my face to my breasts. He slips a hand down my shirt and squeezes my nipple. I gasp and J slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan again as I fall completely submissive to him. I grab at bottom of his shirt and he breaks the kiss only to tear it off and throw it into the bathtub. I run my hands down his smooth, toned chest and he rips my shirt over my head and kisses me again.

'Kailey are you o- KAILEY AND JOREL SITTIN IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!' Alexe shouts and I turn away blushing as he continues singing that stupid song. I grab my shirt and put it on.

'Shut up Alexe,' J says and I laugh.

'Yeah Alexe!' I mock and he smiles.

'No thank you,' He says and skips away.

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