Allegiances || PetalClan

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L E A D E R ;; Heatherstar - a creamish-yellow she-cat with darker patterns and yellow eyes

D E P U T Y ;; none

M E D I C I N E    C A T ;; Adderflight - a reddish-brown tabby tom with dark yellow eyes

W A R R I O R S ;;

Finchtuft - light brown tom with white stripes

Sorrelflame - dark brown she-cat with darker paws, belly, and muzzle, and dark, deep, piercing blue eyes

Quailnose - a white tom with brown splotches and a brown nose

Mousewhisker - brown tom with white markings and darker brown swirling patterns

A P P R E N T I C E S ;;


Q U E E N S ;;


K I T S ;;


E L D E R S ;;


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