|| chapter thirty six

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"Owlpaw, you're awake now."

It was the soothing, gentle, calm, soft voice of Shrewfoot, quietly sounding in his ear. The apprentice opened his warm golden eyes soundlessly, blinking once or twice. He carefully trailed them around the den.

Light trickled through a hole that seemed far away. He realized that he was underground. Underneath the tree. As he rose to his paws, he saw branches twining around him, spotted all over the dirt wall. A few mossy nests were around him. He glanced to his left to see Shrewfoot.

"Hi, Owlpaw," he smiled a little, "I see that you're awake."

Owlpaw nodded, "Why... why I am here?"

"You don't remember?" Shrewfoot's eyes seemed to stretch as wide as the moon.

Carefully, the apprentice traced his memories back. Realization snapped through him.


"I presume you want to know what happened to Sedgestorm," started Shrewfoot, and Owlpaw could tell the medicine cat was retracting a sigh, "He... isn't dead, but he injured his back. He's not awake right now... he always says his back hurts a lot whenever he's awake, so Lilybreeze gave him some poppy seeds. I don't know if he'll be able to train you... Much less walk for a bit."

"Where is he?" demanded Owlpaw. Irritation bubbled inside of him. Something had definitely been off about his mentor when he'd seen him last.

Wordlessly, Shrewfoot got to his paws and squeezed between two roots. As Owlpaw followed, he realized there was a bigger area in the den. This part had roots all over the ceiling. He noticed that there were several off-shoots from the den; one went to the right and another went the opposite direction. He could see a shape move up and down slightly in one - he assumed it was a sleeping cat - and in the other one, shuffling noises and a growl came from it.

Next to the offshoot that Owlpaw had come from, there was yet another tunnel, but this one had a root following it. Shrewfoot lead him down this one and the apprentice spotted the sleeping form of Sedgestorm.

Owlpaw, in an effort to get to him quicker, stumbled over his paws and tripped in front of his mentor. Scrambling into a sitting position, the apprentice looked down at his mentor. Upset, he looked away.

The warrior's back was arched at an awkward angle. It had some moss and herbs patted on top of it. It looked horrifically uncomfortable. Shuddering, Owlpaw turned back and shivered again, looking at the warrior's back with a sinking feeling. Swallowing the lump that rose in his throat, he murmured something unintelligible to the warrior. He touched his nose to the tom's broken back and backed away. He walked away and out of the den.

Owlpaw looked around the clearing, mind still blurred from the scene.

Sedgestorm probably won't be able to train me. Or even walk. So what am I supposed to do? I won't ever be a warrior and I'll have to watch my mentor drag himself around everywhere. Or have to be dragged everywhere. Can't wait for my new life in RoseClan.

"Owlpaw?" It was Finchtuft. The warrior looked concerned, "Are you feeling better?"

The tom wanted to bitterly snap in reply, but he refused to show his irritation. "Yes, I am. Thanks to Shrewfoot, mostly."

"Oh, okay... Want to go hunting to take your mind off things?" Finchtuft blinked at him, clearly remembering when they'd been sent together to speak with StarClan.

"I guess so," shrugged Owlpaw.

Finchtuft bounded away, seemingly wanting to leave quickly. Owlpaw noticed the sky was unusually bright, though there were some clouds flitting across the sky, darkening it slightly.

Owlpaw carefully followed, clearing the crevice in a huge leap. Finchtuft had jumped the crevice in a smooth spring. Owlpaw followed him as he headed toward PetalClan. He wasn't surprised. He figured the warrior would want to go back to where Finchtfut had lived as a kit. Both of them quickly trotted along, their ears pricked and noses scenting the air around them.

The apprentice spotted the familiar marshy territory of PetalClan and clearly, so did Finchtuft. His demeanor significantly darkened; his ears flattened, his gaze shadowed, and his neck fur rose slightly with each step he took closer to the territory.

Owlpaw scented the air, catching the smell of frog. Curiously, he trotted quietly after the scent.

Hoping that Finchtuft hadn't scented it, he picked up his pace. He wanted to catch something for the tom, who seemed upset. Owlpaw hoped it wasn't him that had done something. Reeling backward, he spotted two small frogs hopping around in a marshy clearing. Puddles dotted the area and the dark brown apprentice silenced a chuckle as one of them leaped into a puddle.

The tom crouched down, falling instinctively into the hunting crouch. His muscles tensed under his fur as he crept forward. His paws moved quickly to try and catch the creatures.

Springing forward, he slammed a paw down on one of the frogs, hopefully stunning it. Swiftly deciding to trust himself, he pounced on the other frog, biting its neck. It fell limp, and he whipped around, spotting the other frog struggling away.

He reached it as he lunged, biting its neck. Warm blood flowed into his mouth and he flinched back, twitching his whiskers. He retrieved both catches and decided to head back. Scenting the air, he followed Finchtuft's scent to see he was barely a few fox-lengths from where he'd been before.


The light brown tom didn't move, hunched over.

"Finchtuft?" repeated Owlpaw, approaching the tom cautiously. He had dropped one of the frogs behind him and kept one skewered on his claw.

"It's all gone..." he whispered, voice quiet and shaky.

"Finchtuft, we have new things now."

"Sorrelflame, Heatherstar, Quailnose, M-Mousewhisker..."

"Finchtuft, I know you miss them, but you can't dwell on the past," replied Owlpaw.

Finchtuft gave Owlpaw the most desolate and lonely look he'd only seen from one other cat - Heronleap. Grief filled the dark brown apprentice.

"I can't stop thinking about what would've happened if Heatherstar... if she survived. If Mousewhisker made it. If Sorrelflame was still here. If Quailnose wasn't gone and I just feel so guilty. Why them? They deserved to live this awful sickness like everyone else. Heatherstar was so close. Everyone else in the other Clans were, too. Why them? Why them?

"Heatherstar deserved to live. She would've been such a good leader for RoseClan..." his shoulders sagged and his gaze darkened. Owlpaw could see love and grief glittering in his eyes.

"You loved her?"

Finchtuft turned a desolate gaze on the apprentice, "Yes. And we wanted to have kits."


"I'm really sorry, I really am..." murmured Owlpaw.

Finchtuft collapsed, a wail escaping him. "Why?"

Owlpaw nudged the frog forward, unable to bear the awful scene any longer, "Finchtuft, you need to let go. They're gone."

"But why them? Why?" Owlpaw was unable to reply. Finchtuft hissed fiercely, grabbing the frog in his teeth and stalking off, "Come on. Let's go back."

"Finchtuft, I-" Owlpaw began.

"Owlpaw!" The tom's voice was taut and angry. "I said, come on!"

The apprentice picked up the frog and dashed after him.

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