|| chapter thirty three

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"...she's gone... we need to decide who will be the leader, deputy, and medicine cat will be. And rebuild this camp once Owlpaw is back," Owlpaw caught the tail end of Robinstar's words as he finally made it back to camp.

He shook away the previous events with a lash of his tail.

That's over now. Focus on RoseClan. You are not a murderer.

A small voice protested, But she just wanted to survive!  He shoved it away, trying to forget.

"What?" Owlpaw asked, padding up to the group of cats. He noticed Stonestar had drawn back from the group and Owlpaw shot him a confused look. The leader ducked his head.

"Oh, you're back!" exclaimed Adderflight.

Owlpaw nodded, "She's gone."

"Good," grumbled Robinstar.

"Now, we need to decide who will be the leader, deputy, and medicine cat. We'll rebuild the camp after that, I presume," offered Shrewfoot.

Talondust and Mossheart shared a glance and Duckfrost scuffed his paw against the ground.

"How are we going to decide?" asked Sedgestorm, "There's no time to consult StarClan... We need to decide really soon; maybe even now."

"We can vote?" suggested Finchtuft. The warrior disappeared in a clump of bushes and returned with some rocks. He passed one out to each cat and then dipped his head, backing up.

"Ah, um, excuse me..." Stonestar said quietly as all gazes seemed to switch onto him. He continued, "I... am not being the leader..." He ducked his head, embarrassment flooding his gaze, "I'm... I'm sorry. I don't believe I'm fit to be the leader. I'm on my last life, too, and it wouldn't be in everyone's interest to have me as the leader..."

"...so as leader of MudClan, I strip myself of my nine lives and my position and name as the leader and go back to Stonecall. I also... wish to retire to the elder's den... I'm sorry."

Silence swirled deeply within everyone as they looked at him, clearly shocked.

"Just place it here for Robinstar and here for Yellowstar," muttered Finchtuft, pointing at the ground in two different spots with a flourish of his tail.

Owlpaw rolled the slate-colored, smooth rock slightly in his paw.

Who am I supposed to vote for? Stonestar - Stonecall - doesn't want to lead. I hardly know either of the possible cats I'm supposed to vote for. I want to make sure I'm choosing the right cat, but how can I choose one if I don't know either of them?

He rolled it around in his paws before realizing that Flintpath was approaching him. Sedgestorm followed at a slower pace.

"Who are you voting for?" asked Flintpath.

The apprentice replied, "I don't know... I know that Stonesta-" he stopped and corrected himself, "Stonecall would've been a less than preferable leader, but I don't know either of the other leaders."

"I think you should vote for Yellowstar. You know that SquirrelClan is generally more methodical of the Clans and we need a smart leader so RoseClan can blossom. I'm not saying Robinstar would be a bad leader necessarily. PineClan is more kind and bouncy, but I'm just saying that... I think Yellowstar would be better... especially in RoseClan's time of need," advised Flintpath, whose eyes were narrowed in thought. Sedgestorm nodded in agreement. The tom's head bobbed almost lazily, green eyes shadowed.

All around Owlpaw were discussions. Everyone was deciding who would lead RoseClan.

"Also!" announced Finchtuft, raising his voice, "Whoever is not chosen as the leader will be revoked of their nine lives and stripped of their leaderly names, and instead be the deputy. We will choose the medicine cat... or cats... next."

Owlpaw turned away, torn. He knew that a clever cat would certainly be needed for RoseClan. But he just couldn't think of having such a smart leader. His leader had always been reserved and, generally, quiet, ever since the sickness. Yellowstar would do anything for her Clan, including sacrificing her nine lives. That went both ways; he knew Robinstar would give her lives up in a heartbeat. Did he want a smart leader or a kind leader?

Smart leader.

The apprentice trotted over and dropped his stone in the pile that was Yellowstar's. Sedgestorm and Flintpath followed him, though Owlpaw watched as Stonecall quickly placed his stone in Robinstar's pile. Sedgestorm trailed slowly back to where Flintpath was sitting.

Did I make the wrong choice? He wondered.

No, Owlpaw told himself, Stonecall's decision should not affect yours.

A small voice inside his head whispered, And neither should Sedgestorm and Flintpath's, but it was silenced before it could continue.

As he watched both piles slowly grow, he realized that Robinstar had more rocks. Surprise flashed through him. The cats of RoseClan would rather have a bouncy, kind, though still quite clever, leader, rather than a methodical, thoughtful, intelligent planner for their leader?

Finchtuft, after sorting through the rocks, shuffled his paws and looked around at the cats.

"Cats of RoseClan," he called and the chatter silenced almost instantly, "It has been decided. Robinstar will lead RoseClan, and Yellowspark will be the deputy!"

"Robinstar! Yellowspark! Robinstar! Yellowspark!" The cats cheered. Robinstar stood up, looking humbled, as she nudged Finchtuft away and sat on the small pile of rocks.

She swished her tail, dipping her head, "Thank you. I am honored to protect this new, thriving Clan with my lives. I know Yellowspark will succeed me well when it is time and I am sure we can decide on a medicine cat," she glanced down at the rocks and stepped off of them as if she suddenly had realized something. She paused, "Wait. We can have three medicine cats," she realized, "So Lilybreeze, Adderflight, and Shrewfoot can all be the medicine cats."

"Lilybreeze! Adderflight! Shrewfoot!" cheered the Clan. The medicine cats dipped their heads.

"We promise to care for you all for as long as we live," Lilybreeze murmured.

"We will not forget those who have walked before us, but we will be sure to look to the future StarClan has blessed us with," Shrewfoot looked up from his paws and Adderflight inclined his head.

Some cats took up an excited cheer. "RoseClan! RoseClan!"

Robinstar cleared her throat, "Now, this camp will need some rebuilding, as you can tell," she waved her tail at the leaves strewn everywhere, "I first would like all of the dens to be made. Mossheart, Finchtuft, Sedgestorm, and... Talondust, you four can work on the dens. We'll need an area for the medicine cat's den. That should be quite big," she reminded them, "Make sure there are four nests. The nursery should be well protected too, and the warrior's den should be quite large. I know we'll have new warriors soon," she smirked, winking.

"Flintpath and Duckfrost will go hunting," she meowed, waving her tail at the two named cats, "And it is your duty to make a little fresh-kill pile for us."

Robinstar, after sending off the cats, turned to Owlpaw. She approached him with a warm smile.

"And you will help me with the camp wall. We will rebuild it strong and tall and we will outline some areas in camp."

Owlpaw blinked, "Okay."

"Oh, also, you won't be doing apprentice duties," she told him as she began to stroll out of camp, "Though we will need moss for now."

The apprentice smirked and bounded after her. For the first time in a very long time, everything felt okay. Hazelberry and her awful, ruined personality were gone. The Clans no longer had to struggle alone. They could join together and never fall, living in harmony.

He took a deep breath in of fresh, crisp, clean air. The apprentice's warm golden gaze traveled around, taking in the territory.

It was not new but, somehow, it felt better to be there.

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