|| chapter forty

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"Owlpaw, it's time to wake up. It's almost sundown," a gentle voice and a little nudge caused the dark brown apprentice to be woken from his slumber.

All night he couldn't forget the words Flintpath had spoken to him. The horror and grief in the warrior's eyes was something he would never forget. And what happened after...

Robinstar swarmed out of the medicine cat's den, her tail lashing as she quickly surveyed the cats in the camp. Most of the cats were awake, regardless if they wanted to be or not. Everyone was on edge, likely due to Flintpath's outbreak.

"Cats of RoseClan," the leader began, gaze sweeping the cats, "Recently, we have been pelted with devastations. I know this is very upsetting to most of us, but mere moments ago, our medicine cats received a vision from StarClan. Lilybreeze, Adderflight, please come up here to tell the Clan what happened," Robinstar meowed, flicking her tail at both cats, who trotted up to her after Robinstar had shuffled to the side.

Lilybreeze and Adderflight had a very swift discussion, heads tilted together as their quiet tones drifted around the camp. They drew away, lifting their heads.

"StarClan has decided to share a vision with us," Adderflight announced, "As I was sitting next to Shrewfoot and Lilybreeze, we heard a low growling. Instantly, it was like something was pressed around us, almost swallowing us up."

Lilybreeze's fur stood on end as Adderflight nudged her to continue, "We felt as if we were being crushed and an additional feeling of prickling in our fur soon came too. It was almost as if we were being poked..." The she-cat trailed off, gaze seemingly glazing over.

"And then there was sudden alleviation of the pressure... I don't know what it was, but whatever it was, it combated the pressure with strong strokes that almost appeared as if it were waving it away with a wing," Adderflight resumed after Lilybreeze had trailed off. His gaze slowly began to glaze over as if it were being infused with stone, "Storms of leaves began to whip around and sparks of green fire spiraled around us. Tufts of white fur appeared out of nowhere, seemingly flying through the air, frosty pieces of small, green objects swirling around. Dust seemed to swoop in, followed by small pieces of light tan fur. Little pieces of stems and a small rattling noise filled the den..."

"It all disappeared with one swoop of darkness and there was just the den around us."

Shocked murmurs spread through the cats, gazes flashing as the two medicine cat's eyes grew bright and glimmering again. Some cats sent suspicious glances at others, ears twitching and eyes narrowed.

Robinstar quickly told hold of the situation, asserting, "Now, myself, Yellowspark, and the medicine cats will discuss this and get back to you all as soon as possible. For now, continuing as normal is the best plan of action..."

But the words she had spoken just blurred onward in Owlpaw's mind. Something was very wrong in RoseClan and there was nothing he could do, nothing, nothing...

"Owlpaw, please," meowed the cat again and after opening his eyes, he realized it was Finchtuft.

The apprentice staggered to his paws and gazed around his den. He remembered the time when he thought it was safe in this den, where nothing could get to him or hurt him or injure anyone he cared for. But StarClan didn't care about that, no, they didn't, they wanted his friends to suffer so he had to watch them.

A growl nearly escaped the dark brown tom but he swallowed it back, forcing himself out of the den. Finchtuft slipped out behind him, studying the apprentice nervously. Owlpaw could feel his burning gaze on the back of his neck, making his fur prickle.

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