How it all began

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I was walking down the school hallway to meet my best friends, Sofia Pierce, who has a light brown skin tone, dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes, and Rebekah Davidson, who has a pale skin tone, blonde hair and brown eyes, so we could disscus what movie we were going to watch at our sleepover tonight because we hadn't had one in ages. At this exact moment whispers surrounded the hall, so we stare into the school office to see that there is a new guy talking to the receptionist, but something seemed odd as she was staring directly at him and not at the paperwork he had given her. Suddenly I see my younger sister run into the boys bathroom with Zane, the school womaniser. My concentration breaks immediatly and I chase after her because I know he will try to take advantage of her. "TRIXIE WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING??" She was pressed against the wall with her top ripped open, I ragged him off her so fast he didn't know what hit him. I took my jacket off and gave it to her so she wouldn't feel embarrassed when i dragged her out into the hallway. "What on earth where you thinking?" I practically yelled at her. "I was thinking that ..." "Oh this better be good" "I was thinking that I was going to have sex with the hottest guy in school!" she said so smugly that i wanted to slap her smirk clean off, but unlike her I know what self control is. "Why would you even want to, you do know that he doesn't care about you, yeah he may say that he'll be your boyfriend but you do know he'll use you and probably end up cheating on you, you deserve someone who won't take you for granted." "I really hate you sometimes Camille but you do sure talk like mum", then she walked off down the hall and out of the school.

I turn around and walk straight into him. "Did you just come out of the men's room?" "Um, yeah I was just, Um, it's a long story" "Yeah I bet it is, i guess i'll see you around", all I could do was smile and nod back because I was under his spell from that moment onwards, his chestnut hair the cute dimple only on one of his cheeks, his blue eyes. Then I blink back into reality and realise I'm staring at the new kid's face and walk off round the corner.

As me, Sofia and Rebekah take our seats in class Mr Hunt, our history teacher, walks in more grumpy than usual. "Welcome back to Willow-creek High School class, hope you had a miserable time over the holidays but unfortunately we're back now and I'm so thrilled to introduce the new student, Zachary Whitmore!" He said in the most sarcastic tone ever. Zachary made his way over to the spare hair in the corner which was diagonally across from me, so he could be staring at me and i wouldn't know, wishful thinking. "Does anyone know when Willow-creek was founded?" Mr Hunt asked the class. "1863 during the civil war" someone replied. Everyone was astounded at who had said that because they never imagined that the new guy could be smart as well. "Well done, Mr Whitmore!" Mr Hunt actually says proudly as if he taught him that, even though we all know he didn't seen as Zachary only just moved into town and it's a small town believe me. For the rest of class Mr Hunt put on an educational film 'due to Mr Whitmore's impressive knowledge about the town'.

When the bell rang I went to my locker to collect my things then headed home alone because it gives me time to think. As i walked through the cemetery there was one stone that caught my eye in particular 'Here lies Jerry and Nicole Morgan'. "Hi Mum, Hi Dad" I said to their grave as i touched then the flashbacks started, the screeching wheels, the water filling in the car. Then a black crow flew over my head and landed on top of a statue and just stared at me, then the fog started to build up. So I decided it was time to go. But i saw a black figure the distance and bolted it out of the cemetery so fast i didn't realise i hurt myself trying to escape. I turned around and there he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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