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Where do u think it began? Adam and Eve? Nah ... it begun when I was born.. its my damn story.
So my birth wasn't anymore special than yours. I wasn't born in a car or in a manger or whatever. I was born on some bed in some hospital full of nurses and shit like that. You know that scenery. But just cause we might have had the same kinda birth doesn't make us the same... we're definitely very different!

And you'd know what makes me different if u haven't noticed already.

So I'm a baby... ignorant, weak and unable to speak.. like some of u are till now! Anyways, I was new to the world. Although, I was born on the most fucked up part of the world I still felt grateful to whatever made me.... note: whatever made me.... yeah, means i don't know what made me. Do u? Nah ... even if u think u do.
What does your science say? Sex yeah?
All that sperm race shit... I wonder how they knew about the race. I wonder what else they know. Don't u? Nah. Probably u don't.

My family is awesome. Boring, ignorant most times but they awesome anyways. So where do I start them from? My dad... He's just a regular dude.... Engineer (can't imagine him doing anything else)... very funny look and funny attitude,I love him sincerely but... he's a common person... just like u.. common.. ignorant... and doesn't think of possibilities.
My mum... I'm sure she was like me but I don't know , I never really knew her ... she died when I was really young. I wonder if I should tell u how she
actually died now. Maybe later. Wouldn't want u to stop my story now.
Finally! My brother! Yeah I said "finally".. we're are just 4 in my family. My dad doesn't go about producing children like your dad. He was okay with two sons. So what was I saying?
Yeah... my brother!
His name is Victor (maybe I should actually change his name for this story..hmm.. I already did) and he's an hybrid... like me... he thinks outside the box and has these powers like I do. What powers? Fuck u ... I ain't telling u yet.

So that's my family.

They started everything... making me what I am today... what am I today?
You'd figure soon enough.


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