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Silence once again. 

"Are you sure you're not going to tell me your name?" He said one more time, His eyes were taking the shape of puppy dogs, and I couldn't resist. 

"Louise" I finally blurted out. His face showed a sense of accomplishment.

"Last name?"

"Cader" I kept responding. In less than five minutes, he knew my age, birthday, and a lot of other information. I've never ben so open, and I don't know why I am. There's something in the eyes that created a feeling of calmness, and I didn't like it. I needed to know more.

"Know that you know about me, I need some facts about you." I blurted out. I didn't want to talk more than I had to, and I had just added a few minutes to my time card.



"I only needed your first name," I alerted him.

"That is it, its a two parter."

I thought that was weird, I've never met anyone with a two-word first name. I pressed on.

"Last name?"


We continued just as before, I asked him the same questions he asked me. I still felt uneasy, and not because of the concussion.

"I'm going to give these to the nurse, il be back soon," Lin said.

He left the room, and I was alone once again. I threw my pillow at the spot where he once sat, angry at his existence. Why was he here, I pickpocketed him, why does he care about me? I was done in this hospital bed, and I started to explore.

I hid around the corner, investigating the hospital, and Lin. he seemed to be texting someone, and for some reason using alot of emojis. It annoyed me. The orderly walked over to him, informing him of some pressing news.

"We have found a current residence for the girl you brought in, she lives in a foster home in Soho. In this situation though, we had to identify her social worker, a miss Lisa Thatcher. She will be here in about five minutes. 

Crap. I have known Lisa since I was 7, and i have never had a pleasent interaction with her. She allways came to transfer me to a new foster home, or to yell at me for something i did. Last time i saw her was 4 months ago, when i was transfered to my current foster residence. She threated to foster me herself if i diddnt give these people respect. hopefully she forgets that last encounter. 

I run back to my hospital room, thankfully remembering where it is in this maze of a hospital. i flop onto the bed, and dig into the covers. I tried to make it look like i barelymoved since lin saw me last, i give myself a C+ at best.

I wait for a while, after a few minutes li came back in, but was followed by lisa. She looked mad. 

"can i have a few moments alone with Louise?" she asked, lin left to wait in the hallway. I heard him talking to a woman, i couldnt place her voice. 

"Honestly louise, pickpocketing, running away, a cuncossion, this day has been interesting for you."

I diddnt regret wahat i did until now. she has that ability, and uses it well.

"I allready called the Chiltons, and you wont be going back to them. They wont take you back. I have to find you another home, and it might take longer than usual. Im going to see if i can line a foster home out now."

Lisa went out into the hallway. I saw lin discussing something with her in the hallway. Why does he have to but in?

Lin came back in, his conversation with lisa has finishes, and the mystery woman he was talking to continued hers. 

He asks me the most random questions, most have nothing to do with the situation were in. I refuse to respond, still mad after my talk with Lisa. My uncoopertiveness frustrated him, and he left the room.

Lisa comes back in umfortunatly. 

"Ive found you a new foster home, Lin and his family has graciously agreed to take you in. Il be conducting the home visit today, and if all goes well, you will be moving in after you are released from the hospital. 




This stranger, a complete stranger is just swooping in to foster me? Is he qualified? Is this even legal? I am furious. I will never forgive lisa, like we have ever goten along.

A woman walks in, she was talking to lisa an lin in the hallway. She sits down. 

"Hi, im Vanessa. Im lins wife. Im sure he hasnt told you about me yet.

I could guess. Lin had a weddign ring on, i just assumed taht he was married. by the looks of it, Vanessa is way out of his leuge. He isnt cool enough for her.

We talk, and I've decided that she is my favorite. She doesnt make stupid jokes or lame references, and has a more relaxed look to her face. Lin on the other hand looks as is he hasn't slept a day in his life. 

Maybe living with them wont be so bad, 

or maybe im wrong.

Adopted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.Where stories live. Discover now