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AFTER MR. MATTHEWS' class, Lucas and Malia walked out of class together.

"You know, I'm really glad you're in this class." Lucas said. "We're gonna have a lot of fun."

Malia smiled. "Yeah."

"I know it's gonna be hard for you, for all of us," Lucas said. "But she wouldn't want it any other way."

Malia tightly smiled. "I know."

"Hang in there." Lucas said.

"You too." Malia said, before walking away.

Lucas sighed, watching her as she walked.

"YOU DO NOT have a crush on Malia." Brandon said.

"I do." Lucas groaned.

"You don't." Brandon said. "Look, I know that this is hard for you because you loved Erica. But she's gone. And liking Malia isn't going to bring her back. All you're gonna do is break Malia's heart. She's not Erica, and she never will be."

"I guess you're right." Lucas said.

"What made you get so fired up?" Zay asked Brandon.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing myself." A female's voice asked.

The voice sent chills down Brandon and the other boys' spines.

It was a voice they had almost forgotten.

"Erica?" They asked.

"How ya doing?" She asked. "So you have a crush on my little sister?" She turned to Brandon.

"No." Brandon said.

"C'mon, Brandon." Erica begged. "Don't lie to the dead girl."

"Well, I mean I guess I might have a crush on Malia." Brandon said.

"I already knew that." Erica said. "I knew for a few years." She smiled. "But now that you know, as soon as you wake up you can be together."

"What do you mean wake up?" Brandon asked.

"Come on, Brandon." Erica said. "You didn't actually think I was here, did you?"

"So this is a dream?" He asked.

"Yeah." Erica said, smiling. "Go tell my sister how you feel."

"I don't know-"

"Do it."

And he jumped awake.

"Crap." He mumbled. "I like my dead best friend's little sister."

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