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BRANDON AWOKE THE next morning with a pep in his step.

He felt like never before.

It was love.

He had it all planned out, he was going to go meet Malia at her locker like he usually did, but then he was going to present her with a single rose, and tell her how he felt.

And he knew that she would probably say she didn't feel that way about him, but he didn't care. He just needed it out of his system.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he had these feelings for a long while.

As Brandon approached Malia's locker, he saw something that would haunt him for the rest of his days. It felt like a punch in the gut, like his heart had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on.

It was Lucas and Malia.


Brandon felt his face get hot with anger, as he stomped to the nearest trash can and threw out the rose. He felt like he had been betrayed, but how could he have been betrayed if he never told anyone? But Brandon didn't care about that, he just wanted to punch Lucas in the face.

He always got the girl.

To Brandon it didn't seem fair that all the girls were falling at Lucas' feet. First Riley, then Maya, then Erica, sometimes Isadora, and now Malia. It made Brandon want to rip his hair out of his head. He turned and took one final look at Lucas and Malia.

Their kiss had just been broken, and Brandon looked at Malia's face, hoping to see anger, sadness, and maybe a slap to Lucas' face.

But he saw a smile instead.

A smile that he hadn't seen in a while.

And with a heavy heart, Brandon realized that Malia and Lucas should be together.

But that didn't mean he was going to stand idly by and watch. 

He marched to their history class.

"Hey Riley!" He yelled.

Riley turned around with confusion written all over her face.

Brandon walked up to her and kissed her.

Their lips moved in harmony, somehow they knew exactly what the other needed.

"Woah." Riley said after Brandon broke the kiss.

"Woah." Maya, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle said from their seats.

"Woah." Malia and Lucas said standing in front of the class with their fingers interlocked.

"Yeah." Brandon said. "I'm not just a supporting character, ya'know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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