Chapter 27: Tris - Train

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Chapter 27: Tris – Train

I expect Tobias to climb onto the train right after me, but he doesn't. Instead, when I look back, I see that he and Amar are struggling to get Lisa on board. For a split second, I consider jumping off to help them, but I know there's not much I can do from the ground. Only two people can help her there, and Tobias and Amar are both taller and stronger than I am.

But that doesn't mean I can't help another way. I head toward the back of the train as quickly as possible, hoping that I can position myself where Lisa's trying to board and can grab her hand to pull her on.

Unfortunately, it turns out to be difficult to travel between cars on a moving freight train, particularly for someone short. The first car I have to pass is closed, and as I inch my way slowly along the outside, I realize I'll never get there in time to help at this rate. When I finally reach the end, I look around, evaluating my options, and notice a ladder that leads to the roof of the next car. It's probably much faster to move on top of the train….

I hesitate briefly, knowing that Tobias would call it an unnecessary risk, but that's mostly because he's afraid of heights. I'm not, and besides, it's not as if it's safe to be hanging from the side of these cars. Really, what have I got to lose?

The ladder is easy enough to climb, despite the bumpy motion, and then I'm on top, able to see the train stretched out before me. There's something utterly thrilling about being up here, with the wind ripping past me and the massive locomotive rumbling beneath my feet, and for a moment, I'm caught up in pure Dauntless euphoria.

I make my way to the other end of the car and realize I have two choices: I can climb down each car's ladder and up the next, or I can jump, letting the motion of the train carry it below my feet to a good landing spot. It's an Erudite versus Dauntless decision, but I don't even pause before taking the faster – and more exciting – option. It's all I can do not to crow with joy as I give myself a running start and make the first leap.

It seems to take no time at all to cover distance this way, and I quickly get back within sight of Tobias on the ground. He and Amar are now trying to swing Lisa between them, but I can see how she's resisting, and suddenly I understand the problem. She's afraid to climb on. That isn't good.

I'm very close to them when I'm forced to stop. The next few cars are flat beds with enormous piles of chopped down trees chained onto the metal beds. There's no roof to jump onto, but at least the chains should provide hand grips along the side, so I climb down the ladder and make my way carefully along the first car. I'm about to start on the second one when I notice a figure ahead, holding onto one of the chains and leaning out to the side. His back is to me, but there's no mistaking the tall, lean form and brutally short hair. Marcus. He climbed aboard before I did, but either he was more successful at moving along the sides of the cars than I was, or he crossed the roofs before I got up there. Either way, he's now between me and my goal.

I hesitate at the junction between the cars, watching him. I could just go to the other side of the car and cross on that side, avoiding him altogether, but there's something odd about the way he's positioned that catches my attention. He's staying still, keeping his arm extended…as if he's holding a gun.

I bite my lip, trying to figure out exactly what he's doing and what, if anything, I should do in response. Marcus is cruel – there's no doubt about that – but I've always observed him to stay focused when he's on a mission. That's why I let him come with us. And if he's covering the others, to protect them in case someone comes along on the ground, then I shouldn't interfere.

But some instinct tells me he isn't doing that. I look back to Tobias and the others, trying to figure out what's making me uncomfortable, just in time to see Tobias and Amar leap onto the last two cars of the train, barely making it aboard in time. My stomach twists as I realize they had to leave Lisa behind, and in that instant I know what Marcus is about to do.

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