Introduction to Gaaranism

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Gaara is our God. We must look to him for help when we need it, for love when we want it, and to help him when we can give it. All of the administrators here give a portion of our eternal love and support to the good lord, Gaara. We, his wife, sister, mother, supporters and worshippers... Or shipper, all pledge our allegiance to the Bible of Gaara. To join the religion, you must simply never hate on the Lord himself, and you must love him as much as you can. You do not have to be an administrator to be in the religion. You must not practice it every day unless you wish to. We would like there to be a welcoming spot for each and every one who wishes to join us in this religion.

With that addressed, thank you for reading, and welcome... To the Bible of Gaara, fellow Gaaranist.

Written by Temari

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